desrc:Een tag is een soort trefwoord dat je helpt bepaalde 3VOOR12-inhoud terug te ... 3VOOR12 gaat voor je op zoek naar de echte fans van Pinkpopartiesten
desrc:Russia Today is the first 24/7 English-language news channel to present the Russian point of view on events happening in Russia and around the globe
desrc:La BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) fondée en 1922 est un organe de production et de diffusion de programmes de radio-télévision. Siégée au Royaume-Uni, c'est une société de médias britannique ayant atteint une réputation d'excellence. La BBC est parfois appelée affectueusement « the beeb » ou « tatie » ( « Auntie » ) par les Britanniques. Pendant longtemps, elle est restée la seule société diffusant des programmes de télévision et de radio.
desrc:La grille 24h sur 24 des programmes de BFM TV propose des éditions chaque quart d'heure, des reportages, entretiens et magazines traitant spécifiquement de sujets d'actualité. Une partie de ces émission est consacrée à l'économie, sous l'angle de la création d'emploi, des préoccupations du consommateur ou encore des petites et moyennes entreprises.Depuis le 28 novembre 2005, Olivier Mazerolle présente le journal de 20 heures.La version 2 de la chaîne avec de nouveaux décors, un nouvel habillage et la suppression du tout-images ("BFM Non-stop") a été mise en place le 9 mai 2006 à 18H, avec Ruth Elkrief et Rachid M'Barki.
desrc:Bloomberg est un groupe financier américain spécialisé dans :les services aux professionnels des marchés financiers; et dans l'information économique et financière : aussi bien en tant qu'agence de presse; que directement, via de nombreux médias (télévision, radio, presse, internet et livres) dont les plus connus sont probablement ses propres chaînes de télévision par cable/satellite.
desrc:Passionnés de sports en plein air et de musique, voici une nouvelle chaîne de télévision qui devrait vous plaire. Quiksilver a lancé sa propre chaîne de télévision, baptisée Boardriders TV. Cette chaîne, consacrée au style de vie qu'incarne Quiksilver, est aujourd'hui la webTV de référence du monde de la glisse avec chaque mois plus de 350 000 « web spectateurs ». La BoardridersTV diffuse les grands événements en direct, les dernières vidéos de surf, skate et snow, des interviews et news des riders, des surf reports et des images des nouvelles collections Quiksilver et Roxy.
desrc:C9 Télévision est née en avril 1987 de la dynamique nationale du lancement des réseaux cablés sur la Métropole Lilloise. La chaîne est aujourd'hui une vraie télévision d'agglomération, diversifiée, informative, culturelle, proche de son public et des enjeux de son bassin de pays. Ses émissions sont autant de rendez-vous avec l'actualité et les faits de sociétés, de la télé-miroir à l'ouverture sur l'Eurorégion et sur les grandes villes d'Europe.
desrc:Mission CANAL (Corporation pour l'avancement de nouvelles applications des langages) est un consortium privé à but non lucratif issu d'établissements d'enseignement supérieur du Québec, qui regroupe plusieurs universités, des collèges ainsi que des partenaires de la télévision et des télécommunications. Ces intervenants mettent en commun leurs efforts et leur compétence respective afin d'offrir à la collectivité, par l'utilisation des télécommunications audiovisuelles et multimédias, un accès aux contenus éducatifs provenant des établissements d'enseignement supérieur, des organismes et des entreprises préoccupés par la formation.
desrc:ADVICES: Sometime there is a black screen with the CNN logo, please back later the same day and its delivers the latest breaking news and information on the latest top stories, weather, business, entertainment, politics, and more.
desrc:Deux mois avant le lancement de la chaîne en mars 2005, rien n'était prêt dans les 2500 m² de bureaux de la Tour Bolloré à Puteaux. Salle de montage, plateaux télé, il a fallu tout créer pour réussir à fabriquer seize heures de programmes en direct chaque jour. Le retour sur investissement est prévu entre 2011 et 2015 pour le groupe Bolloré Médias.La chaîne compte actuellement trois plateaux installés dans les locaux de la tour Bolloré. Aux deux premiers existants est venu s'adjoindre en mai 2005 un troisième communément appelé "plateau 4" ou "plateau télécommandé".
desrc:Live online music channel, excellent artists and charts. Watch Music Videos, and get the latest Celebrity News and see the latest Unsigned Artist.
desrc:Cosas gloriosas estamos esperando para nuestra nación, es tiempo de cosecha, es tiempo de avivamiento, un derramamiento del Espíritu Santo como nunca antes lo hemos visto, su presencia entre nosotros obrando con PODER. Pero todo esto depende de nosotros, en la medida que humillemos nuestras vidas delante de Dios, “El oirá desde los cielos…. Y sanará nuestra tierra”.
desrc:QOOB is television turned inside out. The stiff walls of TV as we know it are being torn down and make way for the open trails of webodome, exploring new ways of producing and distributing short format content. You can post your contents (audio, video, pictures, blogs), find people, tie collaborations, improve and test your skills or simply enjoy what's been uploaded by your peers.
desrc:Iraqi Media Net stressed observance of its neutral and independent direction in covering all national events to strength credibility of net's factions which includes Iraqi Satellite Channel and Iraq Republic Broadcasting and Al Sabah Newspaper and Shabakah Magazine and many other channels and broadcastings.
desrc:IF DON'T PLAY, TRY AGAIN UNTIL YOU GET CONNECTED. -- Si elle ne marche pas rechargez la page jusqu'a ce qu'elle fonctionne.iTELE, TOUTES LES INFOS, TOUT LE TEMPSToutes les heures et toutes les demi heures, un journal de 10 minutes. Chaque quart d'heure, un rappel des titres.
desrc:KulakΓÇÖs Woodshed is a no alcohol, volunteer run, donation funded, acoustic music, singer songwriter listening room and multi-camera live video webcasting/recording studio. The artists who perform here do so purely for the love of their craft and range from emerging talents to #1 hit singer/songwriters, and Grammy winners. Performances are Webcast Live. Archived Songs 24/7.
desrc:Notre mission : la chaîne de l'actualité parlementaire et du débat publicLCP - Assemblée nationale remplit une mission de service public, d'information et de formation des citoyens à la vie publique, par des programmes parlementaires, éducatifs et civiques.24h/24, en alternance avec sa partenaire Public Sénat, la chaîne analyse et commente le travail des représentants de la nation.Au-delà du suivi des débats au cœur de l'hémicycle, LCP - Assemblée nationale rend compte du travail préparatoire de rédaction des textes de loi dans les commissions, des missions parlementaires à l'étranger et des actions des députés dans leurs circonscriptions.
desrc:NASA Television (NTV) is a resource designed to provide real-time coverage of Agency activities and missions as well as providing resource video to the newsLes reportages et news de la nasa par la nasa.Un must
desrc:Discovery Channel online lets you explore science, history, space, tech, sharks, & more, with videos & news, plus exclusives on your favorite TV shows.
desrc:Spirit Television Network is positive, encouraging music. Spirit features music videos 24/7 from artists like Third Day, MercyMe, Newsboys, Rebecca St. James, and many others. No need to worry about changing the channel... just leave Spirit on all day while you work and play at home!
desrc:Sunvibz est constitué de plusieurs pôles : Sunvibz Production, Sunvibz Evènement, Sunvibz Régie, Sunvibz Editon, Sunvibz Music . 1. Sunvibz production: Production; réalisation et montage clip, pub, court métrage, diffusion vias notre chaine, etc.. 2. Sunvibz évènement: organisation de concerts , soirées thématiques, show case etc.. 3. Sunvibz Régie: Notre regie gérant les espaces Pub de notre chaine et autres web-tv associées 4. Sunvibz Edition: disques, livres, DVD ,vidéos, musiques.. 5. Sunvibz Music : Production musicale et artistique (label)Nous disposons d'une équipe de professionnel (cadreurs, monteurs, réalisateurs, et de partenaires) ,Nous permettantde couvrir n'importe quels évènements.
desrc:Not always working, or not workingTelecapri sport brings you the latest news of the world of soccer, motorsport, cycling, basketball, tennis, rugby, and golf., Deux TV musicales accessible par Internet, connexion haut débit de type ADSL 512K Minimum Tropical.Cybertika & Urban.Cybertika Au programme, des clips vidéo des reportages des interviews et Courts-métrages diffusés en live 24h/24h. Cybertika a pour ambition de promouvoir la musique et la culture Tropicale et Urbaine en touchant un très large publique grâce à internet.
desrc:Canal local para la ciudad de Zamora, propiedad de <b>"Televisi├│n Castilla y Le├│n" (TV CyL)</b>. muestra programas informativos, la liga ACB de baloncesto, zappings, teletiendas y teleconcursos (Call TVs).
desrc:De vocation généraliste, TVA rejoint un très large public par des émissions fédératrices. Parmi ses grands succès des dernières années, notons Le Banquier, Occupation Double et Star Académie, dont la troisième édition atteignait des cotes d'écoute record de plus de 2,5 millions d'auditeurs, les séries dramatiques Fortier, Les Poupées russes, Le Négociateur, Annie et ses hommes, tout comme les comédies Histoires de filles, Caméra café et KM/H ou l’émission de divertissement Drôle de vidéo. TVA a longtemps utilisé le slogan : « TVA, le sens de la télé ». Son slogan actuel est : « TVA, c'est vrai ».
desrc:FOX 8 New Orleans, formerly known as WVUE TV is a TV station based in New Orleans, Louisiana. The TV channel offers braking news stories, sports and intensive weather coverage.
desrc:Diffuse de 08h à 21h, Webcam de Scheveningen.
name:EADS TV
desrc:The European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company EADS N.V. (EADS) is a large European aerospace corporation, formed by the merger on July 10, 2000 of DaimlerChrysler Aerospace AG (DASA) of Germany, Aérospatiale-Matra of France, and Construcciones Aeronáuticas SA (CASA) of Spain. The company develops and markets civil and military aircraft, as well as missiles, space rockets, satellites, and related systems. The company is headquartered in the Netherlands in Schiphol-Rijk. The company operates under Dutch law.
desrc:White Springs TV delivers primarily classic movies, and made for TV movies from the '60s, '70s and '80s. All 6000+ titles are presented in high quality digital format and without commercial interruption. This content is provided 24x7 via satellite, to TV stations, cable operators, and FTA dishes throughout USA, Canada, Mexico and South America.
desrc:ABC Kids is a four-hour block of animated television series and live-action children's television series, broadcast on the ABC network in the U.S. and was broadcast on the CTV network and BBS in Canada on Saturday mornings until 2002.
desrc:SCCtv became the first community college television station to stream live, fulltime, on the Internet. Our programs about the Seattle Community Colleges and ...
desrc:With a state-of-the-art production studio in Hollywood, maniaTV produces groundbreaking, award-winning programming for more than 8 million viewers each month. maniaTV's programming slate ranges from music and comedy, to drama, video gaming and action sports. Leading shows include Dave Navarro's Spread Entertainment, Tom Green Live, National Lampoon's Lemmings, Arcade and Backstage Pass. maniaTV delivers unique brand message integration and branded entertainment production and distribution to more than half of AdAge's Top 100 Advertisers. Through its visionary market leadership and focus on premium content and distribution partnerships, maniaTV is redefining television for the 21st Century. We like to call it "Television 2.0."
name:M6 - Le Six minutes
desrc:Le Six minutes de M6, l'actualité chaque jour résumée en quelques minutes
desrc:FRANCE 24 is the first French international news channel to broadcast on a 24/7 basis. In December 2006, it offers a French perspective on world events. FRANCE 24 is characterized by respect for diversity and attention to political and cultural differences and identities. It offers an in-depth analysis of current events, aiming to uncover what lies beneath the surface and reveal what the public is not used to seeing, knowing or understanding. It also gives special attention to culture and lifestyle.   In December 2006, it offersa French perspective on world events.FRANCE 24 is characterized by respect for diversity andattention to political and cultural differences andidentities. It offers an in-depth analysis of current events,aiming to uncover what lies beneath the surface andreveal what the public is not used to seeing, knowing orunderstanding. It also gives special attention to cultureand lifestyle.
desrc:L'objet de FRANCE 24 est de créer, promouvoir et exploiter une chaîne de télévisison d'information internationale, en langues française et étrangères.FRANCE 24 est la première chaîne française d’informationinternationale en continu 24 heures sur 24 et 7 jours sur 7.Lancée en décembre 2006, elle apporte un regard et unesensibilité française sur l’actualité mondiale.FRANCE 24 affirme sa spécificité par une approche de l’informationrespectueuse des diversités, attentive aux différences et auxidentités politiques et culturelles. Elle propose un décryptageapprofondi de l’actualité pour en faire découvrir la partieimmergée et montrer ce que le public n’est pas censé voir,savoir ou comprendre. Enfin, elle traite avec une attentionparticulière de la culture et de l’art de vivre.
desrc:Plus de son depuis quelque semaines... <br><br>LibertyTV est une chaîne dédiée au tourisme et aux vacances. Elle est composée de programmes variés réalisés par notre filiale de production : des documentaires en format court sur des destinations du monde entier, la météo des prix, notre émission « Grands Reporters », et des cartes postales de différents pays. La météo des prix est notre rubrique « phare » ; elle informe le téléspectateur de la température dans les différentes destinations avec les meilleurs prix pour chacune d’entre elles.
name:Astro Center
desrc:ASTROCENTER.TV est la première chaîne de télé Astrologique en France, loin des boules de cristal et des fumées bizarres, Astrocenter se veut résolument moderne et dédiée à un public essentiellement féminin.
desrc:Le Canal Nouvelles ou LCN est une chaîne télévisée d'information continue francophone qui est diffusée au Québec.Chaîne d'information continue au Québec ayant comme seule rivale le Réseau de l'information de Radio-Canada, elle a été lancée en le 8 septembre 1997. Le tout premier bulletin d'information de cette chaîne a été lu par Esther Bégin, qui est demeurée à LCN jusqu'en 2007.LCN propose des manchettes, des entrevues, des débats et des bulletins d'information complets toutes les 30 minutes durant la journée.Depuis 2006, des émissions d'actualité et d'affaires publiques sont diffusées sur la chaîne, comme Denis Lévesque, Franchement Martineau et Le vrai négociateur.La chaîne est la propriété du Groupe TVA et appartient à l'empire Quebecor.
desrc:De vocation généraliste, TVA rejoint un très large public par des émissions fédératrices. Parmi ses grands succès des dernières années, notons Le Banquier, Occupation Double et Star Académie, dont la troisième édition atteignait des cotes d'écoute record de plus de 2,5 millions d'auditeurs, les séries dramatiques Fortier, Les Poupées russes, Le Négociateur, Annie et ses hommes, tout comme les comédies Histoires de filles, Caméra café et KM/H ou l’émission de divertissement Drôle de vidéo. TVA a longtemps utilisé le slogan : « TVA, le sens de la télé ». Son slogan actuel est : « TVA, c'est vrai ».
desrc:WPTV Film is a non-stop showcase of the latest movie trailers. If you re in doubt about what to watch tonight, this channel might give you some really good suggestions. WPTV also shows premieres and movie reviews.
desrc:TV7 Bordeaux est une chaîne de télévision locale grand public gratuite de contenu informatif et de services, diffusée par voie herzienne, cable et Internet.
desrc:Deutsche Welle or DW is Germany's international broadcaster. It broadcasts news and information on shortwave, Internet and satellite radio in 29 languages (DW Radio). It has a satellite television service (DW-TV) that is available in four languages, and there is also an online news site. Deutsche Welle, which in English means "German Wave", is similar to international broadcasters such as the BBC World Service, Radio Canada International, Voice of America, and Radio France Internationale.
desrc:Watching Amazon river fishes: Here is a glimpse into the rich and vibrant underwater life of the Amazon. When the large, serpent-like arapaimas swim past the camera, you will get a close-up look at one of the largest freshwater fish in the world. The ones you can see here range from five to six6 feet in length, but may reach up to ten feet and weigh 300 pounds. Red-tailed catfish, arowanas, black pacus, and Poecilia reticulata (guppy) share this 55,000-gallon aquarium below a living tropical forest.
desrc:Todo Noticias (TN) Canal informativo orientado al tratamiento de temas de actualidad y con la programación centrada en noticieros permanentes.Noticieros: TN a las 5, a las 6, de 7 a 10, de 10 a 13, Primera Tarde, a las 17, a las 19, Central, Noche, Medianoche, Madrugada.Programas Especializados: Agro, TN Ecología, Deportivo, Noticias de la Historia, Ciencia, y Show.
desrc:Not always working<br><br>Rotana Cinema owns the largest and richest Arabic movie library in the world. ... latest blockbusters never yet broadcasted on TV and everything in between. ...
desrc:Watching giant pandas: The panda cams provide a window into the world of the Zoo's giant pandasΓÇötwo-year-old Tai Shan, his mother, Mei Xiang, and his father, Tian Tian. At Tai's first exam, he weighed a little less than two pounds. In early July he weighed 152 pounds.
desrc:Based on these facts, Al-Resalah Satellite Channel pays great attention and carefully utilizes this progressive tool to improve the communication with its viewers in the Arab world and other Muslims residing in different countries.Hence, The Al-Resalah Satellite Channel designed and launched its website to contain rich information and links that provide the browsers with rich information about our mission and programs.
desrc:BBC world commitment is to provide an independent and accurate reporting of news and current affairs. Offers global news highlights and headlines 24 hours a day.
desrc:Live naar de training kijkenVanuit thuis of het werk meekijken naar de trainingsactiviteiten van PSV op De Herdgang, dat kan! Middels twee webcams op het sport- en trainingscomplex van PSV kun je de training van de A-Selectie live via internet bekijken.
desrc:Montreal Quebec Canada, Plaza st. Hubert street Real time streaming webcam offer you a unique view of Montreal Plaza st Hubert street. Also listen Montreal live atc traffic. On website find more than 61 beaches, bars and cities around the world streaming 24 hours.
desrc:BME TV Net is owned by the Black and Minority Ethnic Television, Film & Media (BMETVFM) Charitable Foundation.BME TVFM was officially registered with the Charities Commission (Charity Registration No: 1099419) in September 2003.
desrc:Welcome to the Schooner Wharf Bar in Old Town Key West, FloridaKnown as the last little piece of Old Key West, we sit directly on the Key West Bight with views of the passing ships that visit our port. Schooner Wharf has daily live entertainment, a full bar and menu, and many events and festivals are hosted here throughout the year. Come visit us in Key West at the foot of William Street on the waterfront.
desrc:Fondée en 1997 par Jean Luc Nelle , rejoint ensuite par Anne Mulligan et Linda Ortholan, Cityzen TV est depuis dix ans la chaine d’information locale d’Hérouville Saint-Clair diffusée sur le câble.
desrc:Launched in November 2006, Ministry of Sound TV (MoSTV) is an IPTV content offering. The channel is dedicated to dance music and lifestyle programming, featuring music videos, mini-documentaries, interviews with DJs and exclusive event coverage. MoSTV has an in-house production team, but also acts as an aggregator of content. MoSTV can be accessed via the website, as well as other sites.Ministry of Sound TV has signed a syndication deal with IPTV Platform Joost providing two on-demand branded channels.[1]. Ministry of Sound TV also recently signed a similar syndication agreement with Azureus "Vuze", and Babelgum. Users can also subscribe to the Ministry of Sound TV podcast via iTunes.Ministry of Sound TV will be airing on MTV Dance (UK) throughout the summer 2007, with a weekly slot containing features such as "Clubbers Guide to Ibiza", DJ Diaries and Club/Festival Coverage.
desrc:Vous regardez Pancrace TV. Combat - Sports de combat en tout genre et en continu. Fan de bagarres organisées ou non, cette chaîne est faite pour vous
name:voa dari
desrc:its the voice of america channel ad u can find it easyly online bro..and add persian too
name:sky channels
desrc:bro ad als some sky channel like sky sport sky news and many more... ..
desrc:Not always onlineMissionMr. Ehsan Bayat, the founder and CEO of Telephone Systems International (TSI), launched a private, non-partisan, television and radio station in Kabul in the summer of 2005: ARIANA Television Network (ATN) and ARIANA FM (FM 93.5). ATN provides original content that helps re-kindle Afghan traditions and culture, as well as English-language and international programming that offer ΓÇ£a window for a better tomorrow,ΓÇ¥ bringing the world to all Afghans. ATN programming places particular emphasis on education, health, childrenΓÇÖs programming, and womenΓÇÖs and world issues.Mr. BayatΓÇÖs main objective in starting his media businesses (akin to his other projects in Afghanistan) is his desire to give something back to his home country, which suffered greatly in 25 years of war.
desrc:Nel lontano febbraio 1976 nasceva una delle prime emittente locali, Telebarletta, da allora, sono tante le tappe evolutive che hanno caratterizzato la storia dell’emittente pugliese, che si è progressivamente ingrandita, estendendo la propria copertura in tutta la Regione Puglia e Basilicata, così da cambiare il proprio nome in Teleregione Color, ed iniziare la propria fattiva collaborazione con il circuito nazionale Odeon Tv.
desrc:Bollywood live from Paris. La chaine des musiques indiennes. 24h/24 Clips, interviews, reportages, micro-trottoirs, tamil, hindi, punjabi, en webtv sur votre PC
name:Rusiya Al-Yaum
desrc:Rusiya Al-Yaum is the first Russian TV news channel broadcasting in Arabic. The Channel is established and operated by autonomous non-profit organisation "TV-Novosti". The channel endeavours to meet the expectations of its viewers willing to acquaint themselves with the current events through shedding light on the major perspectives and international issues according to their prominence to the viewers; with coverage based on core journalistic principles of truth, objectivity, accuracy and balanced view.
desrc:Not always onlineAl-Jazeera (meaning "The Peninsula", referring to the Arabic name for the Arabian Peninsula) is a television network headquartered in Doha, Qatar. Initially launched as an Arabic news and current affairs satellite TV channel with the same name, Al Jazeera has since expanded into a network with several outlets, including the Internet and specialty TV channels, in multiple languages, and in several regions of the world.
name:Music Plus TV
desrc:Presents live streaming videos and hosts focusing on the independent scene
desrc:Cadena Tele Restauración transmitiendo las 24 Horas del día los 365 días del año. Desde Dallas TX, para el mundo entero, cubriendo los cinco continentes para la gloria de nuestro Señor y Salvador Jesucristo.
desrc:General channel with Indonesia & English Language.
desrc:THVL is the abbreviation of Truyen Hinh Vinh Long (in Vietnamese). It means Vinh Long Television Station.Vinh Long is one of the 13 provinces and cities in Mekong River Delta. The Station broadcasts the local news and the entertainment programs such as: films, gameshows, musics .... 24 hours a day on two channels: 8 VHF and 31 UHF.This is the best television station in Mekong River delta with over 15 million viewers of the region. Besides, people in Ho Chi Minh city and the South West also can watch Vinhlong television programs through Saigontourist Cable Television Company channel system(SCTV).The official website of Vinhlong Television Station ( has been in active since June 21, 2007. In the future, the Vinhlong Television Online will be in active next year.
name:Gazeta Besa
desrc:Local TV in Albanian
desrc:Generral channel
name:WNYW [FOX5 New York City, NY] Newsfeed
desrc:Watch special broadcasts, breaking news, and <b>FOX5 Sky Guardian 3D Doppler Radar</b> when it happens.
desrc:The Hallmark UK channel launched in the UK in 2000 and has enjoyed sustained growth since then, currently with almost 10 million subscribers. ItΓÇÖs loyal audience watches for longer than any other entertainment channel in the pay-tv sector and continued distribution has ensured a strong foothold in a highly competitive market and a place in the top ten non-terrestrial channels.The Hallmark Channel is part of NBC Universal. Hallmark is dedicated in providing a combination of award-winning drama series from the worldΓÇÖs best studios, UK premiere films and series and epic adventures from SparrrowhawkΓÇÖs extensive library.
name:Noor TV
desrc:22.02.2008 Not working since todayNoor TV first appeared on television screens in the United States and Canada on August 1, 2007, as the first Afghan satellite television station to be broadcasted out of Northern California. Since then, Noor TV has grown to be one of the most popular Afghan television stations in North America. Displaying a fine balance between news and entertainment, Noor TV caters to the needs of a diverse viewing audience. Noor TV has a variety of different programming, such as: world news, childrenΓÇÖs and youth programming, game shows, cooking programs, talk shows, music shows, and more. Noor TV is a leader in the effort to service an ever-increasing audience with some of the most powerful and perceptive programming available. Our programming and services reflect the value that we place on human dignity, lifelong learning, the power of ideas, and the importance of community service.
desrc:For nearly 20 years, Ariana Afghanistan Media has been dedicated to the advancement of Afghan culture and the reemergence of a civil society for Afghanistan by promoting democracy and respect for human rights through public broadcasting in North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia.
desrc:NASA Television (NTV) is a resource designed to provide real-time coverage of Agency activities and missions as well as providing resource video to the newsLes reportages et news de la nasa par la nasa.Un must
desrc:Not working these days...<br><br>General entertainment channel with a broad schedule featuring local and foreign series, Turkish and Hollywood cinema, live shows with Turkish folk music, Turkish classical music and pop music, live sport, news & current affairs plus special events such as the Eurovision Song Contest.
desrc:The dayt─▒e schedule of TRT 2 consists of news and current affairs, plus sports news and weather. Primetime is given over to culture, arts, documentaries and world cinema.
desrc:Señal internacional de TVN, emite toda su programación a excepción de algunas repeticiones de sus programas, se destacan el <b>"Buenos Días a Todos", "24 Horas" y "Pelotón"</b>, TVN tiene una gran biblioteca de teleseries.
desrc:Für alle, die auf Action, Sport und Lifestyle stehen. Hier findet Ihr die spannendsten Features, regelmäßige Highlights und beste Action rund um Euren Sport.
desrc:Al Jazeera English is a 24-hour English-language news and current affairs TV channel headquartered in Doha, Qatar. It is the sister channel of Al Jazeera Arabic TV. Al Jazeera English is the worldΓÇÖs first English-language news channel headquartered in the Middle East.
desrc:SCI FI (originally "Sci-Fi Channel", nowadays sometimes rendered SCI FI Channel when part of a longer phrase) is an American cable television channel, launched on September 24, 1992, specializing in science fiction, fantasy, horror, and paranormal programming. It is part of the entertainment conglomerate NBC Universal.
desrc:Utv est une chaîne de télévision locale, sur internet. Son objectif est de faire connaitre le monde de la recherche, de l'enseignement supérieur, de la vie universitaire et plus largement de la culture scientifique et technique. D'autre part, elle met à disposition, des contenus pédagogiques en exploitant les ressources de type "Média enrichis"
desrc:3BTV combines cutting edge Internet skills and technology with the highest quality production values.What we do?The main focus of the channel is to provide worldwide entertainment promoting new work by producers, writers, directors, animators and musicians etc. who want to showcase their work to the widest possible audience.3BTV broadcasts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week delivering a new age of entertainment programming.
desrc:On Bonobo.TV you will find original music matched to photographs and film. We hope it helps you take a different perspective on both. Join with us in celebrating and questioning our relationship to the planet and those we share it with.
desrc:Invincible TV, was launched in 2005 asone of the 1st online entertainment TV stations based in the UK but broadcasting quality videos, programmes, interviews and documentaries to the world via the worldwide web.
desrc:We are happy to announce the launch of the Yoga IP-TV (, which introduces a significant complementary and enhancing element to an already huge array of existing television programmes. It is a source of information for learning about the purpose and effects of karma and dharma; about love and compassion; good initiatives and good news
desrc:December 25, 2000, the first Christian TV channel in the CIS, the cable channel CNL (New Life ChannelΓäó) in Almaty, Kazakhstan ΓÇô the first Christian TV channel in the former Soviet Union. In Almaty CNL reaches 400 thousand viewers and broadcasts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We were encouraged by the wide range of responses to the broadcast and could see that there was a great thirst for the word of God. Thus we identified the need for Christian programming in the Russian language.
name:CNL Siberia
desrc:December 25, 2000, the first Christian TV channel in the CIS, the cable channel CNL (New Life ChannelΓäó) in Almaty, Kazakhstan ΓÇô the first Christian TV channel in the former Soviet Union. In Almaty CNL reaches 400 thousand viewers and broadcasts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We were encouraged by the wide range of responses to the broadcast and could see that there was a great thirst for the word of God. Thus we identified the need for Christian programming in the Russian language.
name:CNL America
desrc:273 Kbits/s
name:CNL Ukraine
desrc:December 25, 2000, the first Christian TV channel in the CIS, the cable channel CNL (New Life ChannelΓäó) in Almaty, Kazakhstan ΓÇô the first Christian TV channel in the former Soviet Union. In Almaty CNL reaches 400 thousand viewers and broadcasts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We were encouraged by the wide range of responses to the broadcast and could see that there was a great thirst for the word of God. Thus we identified the need for Christian programming in the Russian language.
name:Hi-life TV
desrc:Music, Sport, Movies & Games in one channels
desrc:`Olelo Community Television welcomes its newest channel, FOCUS 49! Initially, 'Olelo will devote a portion of cable time on FOCUS 49 to sessions of the Hawai`i State Legislature, neighborhood boards and other local, non-series community-based programs. Related programming, such as Vote! 2006 and community-produced election-oriented programs, will round out the schedule later this year
desrc:RTPN – O Novo Canal da RTPNa sequência da operação de reestruturação do universo RTP – Rádio e Televisão de Portugal SGPS, a RTPN é o seu novo canal para a televisão por cabo.Para além de uma remodelação da imagem e uma nova identidade corporativa da RTP, a RTPN surge com um novo conceito e com uma nova programação, sempre assentes na informação, dirigida à totalidade do território nacional, procurando a proximidade a cada região através de conteúdos que lhe são específicos.
desrc:Televisão da Região de Viseu - with noticias, turismo, cultura, musica.
desrc:Bienvenido a, el sitio web de La Cadena del Milagro Internacional. Es de gran bendici├│n que nos visite. Hemos Cambiado nuestro dise├▒o tomando en cuenta las necesidades de aquellos que nos visitan y las busquedas de nuevas personas a la pagina. Le invitamos a navegar nuestro "site" y visitarnos constantemente para novedades.
desrc:NCN Televisión es el primer canal cristiano que transmitió su señal en la Isla de Puerto Rico, ofreciendo una programación educativa e inspiradora las 24 horas del día. NCN Televisión es una cadena de televisión dirigida a las personas protestantes, católicas y aquellas que no perseveran en alguna iglesia.
desrc:Es con mucho gozo e ímpetu que le presentamos la renovada imagen de nuestro portal cibernético junto con nuestra nueva programación, como parte de la reciente alianza de Teleadoración Enlace Puerto Rico. Personas de todas las edades, en todas partes del mundo de habla hispana, pueden disfrutar de programas edificantes, con temas interesantes y de actualidad. Puede ver la misma a través de esta página cibernética, en la sección de En Vivo.Esperamos que lo que podamos aportar en todo este sistema interactivo cumpla sus expectativas y que Dios se revele a su vida con Poder y Gloria.Que la Paz del Todopoderoso llene su corazón ahora y siempre.
desrc:Los reportes de la programación para niños son archivados cada cuatro meses con la Comisión Federal de Comunicaciones (FCC) para WAPA-TV, WTIN y WNJX. Puede ver copia de los mismos en nuestro archivo público durante horas laborables o solicitándolos directamente a la FCC, Washington, DC 20554.
desrc:Ahora ¡hay más de TUTV Noticias! Sintoniza y disfruta de segmentos variados que vienen a ... Programación Infantil reafirma compromiso de TUTV con la Niñez ...
desrc:Pokerzone - Poker on TV and Broadband. Play televised online TV tables. The Latest Poker News, Tournament Results and TV schedule, Texas Hold em and Omaha ...
desrc:LCN 2 en directAvec LCN 2, vous devenez témoin de l'action là où cela se déroule, au moment où cela se produit. Notez que l'horaire est irrégulier et que la diffusion peut être interrompue
desrc:Tele Horizon 2000 La Tele de la Revolution Haitienne , Sak pase nap boule , Nous emettons depuis New Jersey en trois langues :Francais,Creole,English.
desrc:Sur RailTV vous trouverez des reportages en rapport avec le monde ferroviaire de France et du monde. RailTv est diffusé en streaming par un serveur Windows Media avec un flux composite. 1872 Kbps est la vitesse maximum, mais il existe 3 autre flux de 1120 Kbps, 857 Kbps et 484 Kbps.
desrc:MYTV & Radio 24/24 Voyance Video Clips & Music live
desrc:<b>NBC Weather Plus</b> is a 24-hour weather-oriented channel, includes Satellite forecasts for around the US and current conditions for around 120 locations.
desrc:MAC Experience (MAC) is the premier, global martial arts inspired multi-channel broadband video, digital marketplace and social network destination. This family-friendly lifestyle brand celebrates the influence of martial arts inspired entertainment and personal development. Based in New Jersey, MAC Experience is part of Breakthrough Interactive Group, Inc. (BIG) and its bold vision of creating a multi media organization that provides a variety of products and services for multiple distribution platforms to a global audience. MAC provides exciting content and connections for the martial arts practitioner, enthusiast and the millions of people of all ages who embrace a lifestyle based on the principles, values, and fun of martial arts. MAC Experience includes the Martial Arts ChannelΓäó, MAC SportsΓäó, MAC KidZoneΓäó, MAC WellnessΓäó, MAC EntertainmentΓäó, MAC Motion, MAC-PremiumΓäó, Planet MACΓäó, MAC RadioΓäó and MAC eShopΓäó.
desrc:Gospel Music Channel: Gospel Music, rock, pop, country, soul, a television network focused on gospel and inspirational music, including videos, downloads, ...
desrc:This is the 24/7 channel of the Good Day Los Angeles show, also you can watch here the regular streaming of FOX11 News (Monday to Friday) and My13 News (Weekends).
desrc:SciFiFree.TV isa free Web TV Channel devoted to the best Science Fiction Movies from yesterday and today. Aliens ! Robots ! Spaceships ! We got them all on SciFiFree.TV. You need have Quicketime installed to view it.
desrc:01.21.2008-------Not always online or Not working-------KXAN went on the air February 12, 1965 as KHFI-TV, the second television station in Austin and an NBC affiliate (replacing a secondary affiliation with KTBC). It originally broadcast on channel 42 and was owned by the Kingsbury family, along with KHFI radio. The Kingsburys brought in Henry Tippie as a partner and moved the station, with FCC permission, to channel 36 in 1973 with a new call sign, KTVV. LIN bought the station in 1979 and changed the callsign to KXAN in 1987. The channel 42 allocation has since been occupied by KBVO-turned-KEYE. KXAN is the Austin home of the San Antonio Spurs, airing their games in the fall (preempting NBC programming). Some games air on KNVA. Also, the station also had a strong syndicated programming lineup with shows such as Live With Regis and Kelly, The Oprah Winfrey Show - which was later picked up by KVUE, Jeopardy! and Wheel of Fortune.
desrc:Nick Hits is net als Nick Toons één van de digitale tv-kanalen van Nickelodeon. Met Nick Hits kun je de hele dag door non-stop genieten van de beste hits. Zo komen onder andere Nick en Simon, Jan Smit, KUS, Djumbo en Chipz regelmatig voorbij op de zender.Veel van de videoclips die op Nick Hits voorbij komen zijn te zien op de website van muziekzender TMF. Hier kun je videoclips bekijken van onder andere Fergie, Jan Smit en Sean Kingston. Klik hieronder op afbeeldingen van de videoclips om deze te bekijken op Natuurlijk kun je ook zelf videoclips zoeken in de mediaplayer op de TMF website en meer informatie lezen over de artiesten.Als je hieronder een video aanklikt, wordt je automatisch doorverwezen naar de TMF website waar je de videoclip kunt bekijken.
desrc:Torque.TV is a digital television network for viewers who want broadcast quality automotive programs wherever and whenever they want to watch, and for advertisers who want a more targeted, more measurable way to reach customers. Torque.TV is available at no cost to anyone with a strong broadband connection. You don't need to search through cable or internet company channels for automotive shows and short clips, or watch commercials which have nothing to do with your passion for cars, trucks and motorcycles. Torque.TV is automotive programming only. And it comes directly to you.
desrc:ibnlive News - Latest breaking news and top news headline updates from India and world covering finance and business, politics, health, sports, ... is your one stop source of top quality, family friendly and porn-free website videos. We've brought many footage segments, flicks and clips from around the world into one caught on tape video portal website. Educational, informational, or just plain corny acts and goofy streams, we have an array of selections that will keep you busy for a long while. UPLOAD your best "Caught on Video" video clips and show the world what you can do or what you have to say! You don't have to search the web anymore for videos because we have thousands more right here for your entertainment, our RSS feeds are indexed by all video search engines all over the world. We also give you great access to incredible video specials, deals and new technology from the best Video suppliers around the world.
desrc:Not always onlineAghapy TV was a dream for which we longed for many years. Now, by the grace of God, it has become a reality. It was an inspired wish for the Coptic Orthodox Church to have its own satellite channel, whereby we can say with St. John the Beloved: "I looked, and behold, a door was opened in heaven" (Revelation 4:1) This door was opened with the blessings of His Holiness Pope Shenouda III, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the see of St. Mark, who lit the fire to initiate the work needed to begin broadcasting. The beam of light shall shine on the world, to fill the houses of God's children with His words. We congratulate the Coptic Orthodox population around the world for the blessed plant, which will grow to enlighten the history of the glory of our Coptic Church, and present our Lord Jesus Christ to humankind.
desrc:Voyage et Sport, le bouquet de chaînes thématiques de Rhône-Alpes.
name:Kazados TV
desrc:A la fois divertissant, ludique, éducatif et pédagogique, propose une grille de programmes frais chaque jour avec un contenu éditorial varié et concernant. Musique, cinéma, sport, mode, humour, portrait, libre parole, nouvelles technologies, culture sont à l’antenne chaque semaine ! Animées par des jeunes, les émissions au format court (de 2 à 8 minutes) placent les adolescents au cœur des programmes et répondent à leurs centres d’intérêts et à leur préoccupations quotidiennes.Interactive et participative, cette nouvelle télévision est un espace de créativité et d’expression pour les adolescents. propose aux internautes de participer à la chaîne de fabrication de leur télévision : exposer leurs propres programmes, leurs talents et les commenter, créer leurs contenus vidéos grâce à des outils de montage en ligne mais aussi échanger et se connecter à tout moment avec leur tribu par mel, par sms, en chattant.
desrc:Biografia de los ministerios de la iglesia Samaria ┬╖ Un peque├▒o apunte de los que es la iglesia protestante ┬╖ Guia para poder llegar a la iglesia ...
desrc:With offices in New York, Los Angeles and Chicago - presents daily video reports: News, Interviews of Chief Executive Officers and Market Reports from stock exchange floor traders. We are the longest continuously running television news broadcast on the web and launched our shows in mid-2000. <br>Our staff of business reporters can be found in the financial markets in Chicago and New York. We maintain a credentialed news presence at the Chicago Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange, the NASDAQ and the New York Stock Exchange with daily access to the White House press center. Our website is the only financial website featured daily on the NASDAQΓÇÖs 7-story icon at the NASDAQ Broadcast Center in Times Square.<br>Our broadcast changes daily at 11am Pacific/ 1pm Central/ 2pm Eastern
desrc:Real Estate TV has a free property finder service designed excusively for our customers, offering them a helping hand to find their dream overseas or UK property. Simply register below and one of our nominated agents will call you back by telephone, to discuss a property solution which matches your price range and preferred location.
desrc:Long bufferingThe channel is often referred to as the "youth channel", due to its large amounts of programming dedicated to sports. The channel broadcast major Iranian sport events, mini-series, comedies, and movies (both foreign and domestic).
desrc:The channel is known to be a more artistic and academic channel. The twenty-four hour a day channel broadcasts documentaries, academic conferences, interviews with scholars in all fields, artistic movies, economic magazines, plays and philosophical discussions.
desrc:Radio Italia Tv è un canale televisivo di musica italiana che trasmette in chiaro via satellite su Hotbird, e via etere grazie ad accordi stipulati con alcune emittenti locali.Sulla piattaforma SKY è trasmesso in chiaro sul canale 858.<br>Il canale propone conduzioni, programmi e musica rivolti ai giovanissimi. Oltre alle classifiche, in onda tutti i giorni, il palinsesto offre informazione e interviste grazie alla collaborazione con Radio Italia.
desrc:Radio Emme La Radio che fa Musica da sempre puoi ascoltarla sui siti web
name:Roma Uno
desrc:05 march 2008 Not working these dayRomauno è nata nel dicembre del 2003 ma ha già avuto modo di connotarsi come la vera e l’unica tv della capitale. Con un palinsesto ed una programmazione specifica e mirata.Sempre rigorosamente all’insegna di Roma. Romauno continua a caratterizzarsi sempre di più come una TV capace di individuare anche percorsi coraggiosi in grado di conquistare prima di tutto la fiducia dei suoi telespettatori nel rispetto più totale del suo slogan che la accompagna fin dalla sua accensione nel dicembre del 2003 e cioè: "la tv dei romani"
name:RTL 102.5 Hit Channel
desrc:Popular music channel
name:La TV della Liberta
desrc:La Tv della Libertà è la tv della gente fatta dalla gente.La Tv della Libertà è la tv dei Circoli della Libertà. La tv di quei milioni di italiani che non hanno modo di esprimere il loro pensiero sui piccoli e grandi problemi del nostro paese, ma che hanno voglia di fare.
desrc:Arabic christian channelThe dream came true. We now have our own well equipped studio and media production center so that we can reach out to the world. This was the first step towards the bigger dream of "Alkarma TV". First, let me share with you how this idea developed. After I graduated from college in 1990, the Lord moved my heart to start preparing to work in the field of media production. During those years, I was involved in helping different ministries in this field. In January of 2002, God spoke clearly to my heart and told me to start a media ministry. Since then I have been sharing the vision with some of my close friends, who commented and said, "This is too big of a dream and financially impossible". In June 2004, GodΓÇÖs call was so strong that I couldnΓÇÖt resist. With His help I started a non-profit ministry (Media Dream). Its first activity was to establish a studio and a production house that is currently in operation.The first fruit of our production was a series of programs dealing with some of the most crucial issues that affect our lives today which can lead to drugs and addictions of all kinds. Other programs include evangelistic episodes that air to millions in the Middle East. In the last few months, we helped to produce over 180 episodes as new programs from different speakers to different Christian channels. Most of these programs are broadcasted on air weekly since January 2005 and we are getting great feedback from different countries in the Middle East and Europe. We will start airing ALKARMA TV in Oct 17, 2005. ItΓÇÖs a 24/7 Arabic Christian Channel for all of North America. You will find more information about this channel throughout this website. Now, Media Dream has grown to be a team of Godly men and women who share the same vision. Pray that God uses us to impact the world.
desrc:Local Media es un grupo de varias cadenas locales que emiten variada programaci├│n como zappings, cocina, teletarots, informativos y una reemisi├│n de EuroNews y MTV Espa├▒a.
desrc:For nearly 20 years, Ariana Afghanistan Media has been dedicated to the advancement of Afghan culture and the reemergence of a civil society for Afghanistan by promoting democracy and respect for human rights through public broadcasting in North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia.
desrc:Expochannel, sektörel yayıcııta 15 yııaşn deneyime sahip bir grubun içinde yer alıor. 1988 yııda kurulan Erem Yayı Grubu, Türkiye'nin en prestijli sektörel yayılarıdan Nalburiye, Oto Yedekparça ve Kıtasiye Dergileri'ni dağ#305;tı kanalıyayıcıı#287;ıanlayı#351;ıçerçevesinde yılardı hizmete sunuyor.
desrc:Estrenamos televisión, se llama Solidaria tv, como su nombre indica es una televisión que se caracteriza por estar muy sensibilizada con los más necesitados y que quiere mostrar que con muy poco podemos ayudar a muchos. Con un mensaje limpio y sin distorsiones, que es apto para toda la familia y que 24 horas al día transmite una programación comprometida con los que más lo necesitan. Este es el video presentación de Solidaria tv
desrc:HYPtv aims to be at the creative hub, offering opportunities for creatives and artists of all genres - from film/animation, motion graphics and music to photography, art, design and beyond.
desrc:Not always online MTV Brand New shows alternative, punk and rock videos 24 hours a day without any commercial breaks. In the evening the channel also broadcasts MTV Live shows as well.
desrc:3.02.2008 Ne fonctionne plus, c'est pareil sur le site de TV plaisance, cela doit être provisoire TéLéPLAISANCE est une télévision en Accès Public. La programmation se compose de la parole, vision, intervention, témoignage et imaginaire de tout groupe ou personne qui désire partager leurs univers. is a 24/7 broadband channel with live webcast, extending further Bro. Eli Soriano's bible expositions on the Internet. An interactive chat during live event makes Bro. Eli answer questions and doubts of people about God, existence, creation, meaning of life, religious doctrines, and more.
desrc:In North America, television networks feed their prime time programming in two blocks: one for the Eastern, Central, and Mountain time zones, and one for the Pacific, Alaskan, and Hawaiian time zones to their local affiliates. In Atlantic Canada (including Newfoundland) as well as Alaska and Hawaii there is no change in the interpretation or usage of "prime time" as the concept is not attached to time zones in any way.
desrc:OC 16 TV is a live entertainment channel based in Honolulu, Hawaii USA that features local entertainment programs and content including sports, kids programs, and other variety content.
desrc:Télé Sahel qui est une télévision nationale qui couvre 80% de la superficie habitée du vaste Niger et dont le programme est diffusé dans toutes les langues parlées du pays.
desrc:EXPO Channel is one of Australia's leading Television Direct Marketing mediums with a reach of over 6.4 million people via Digital Free to Air, Satellite and Cable.
desrc:In questo momento tutti parlano e straparlano di comunicazione, di eventi mediatici, di strapotere dell'immagine, di televisione come modello di vita, di veline, di bambini, di condizionamenti, di violenza, di audience, di voglia di emergere, di successo e chi più ne ha più ne dica. Ma, si sa, nei momenti di crisi i primi investimenti tagliabili sono quelli pubblicitari e promozionali e quindi... si salvi chi può...Il nostro punto di vista cerca di essere fuori dal coro. Noi crediamo che il male stia nella mancanza di lungimiranza di tutti gli imprenditori, anche del settore specifico, ma che questo male abbia alle spalle una storia antica, tutta italiana... Una storia fatta di furbizie, di ricerca sempre di facili guadagni, se possibile, a costo zero. Da anni si cercano novità nuove proposte, nuove trasmissioni, ma regolarmente guardando la TV, piccola, grande, pubblica o privata che sia assistiamo quasi sempre agli stessi spettacoli, alle stesse trasmissioni masticate, rimasticate e finalmente vomitate sul video.Ma noi chi siamo per criticare tutto e tutti?Forse nessuno. Ma abbiamo alle spalle anni di mestiere e di esperienza proprio nella progettazione e realizzazione di messaggi visivi con tutti i mezzi, in contesti diversi, dalla formazione alla scienza; dallo spettacolo alle convention aziendali; dalle trasmissioni tv al teatro cabaret. Abbiamo anche noi un'ambizione: quella di non perdere mai di vista l'intelligenza del pubblico, dei dipendenti di un'azienda, degli studenti di qualsiasi grado o livello. del pubblico generalista troppe volte identificato con la famosissima Casalinga di Voghera - chissà perché casalinga, perché di Voghera, perché cretina - Siamo ancora convinti che la comunicazione, oggi più che mai, sia alla base delle relazioni umane e che questa debba essere soprattutto bella, proprio per essere efficace.
desrc:GipsyRadio und GipsyTV werden produziert vom gemeinn├╝tzigen Verein "Gipsy-Info Gesellschaft zur Erhaltung und F├╢rderung der Roma-Kultur". Vereinsvorsitzender und verantwortlicher Redakteur von GipsyRadio wie GipsyTV ist Branislav Nikolic.
desrc:Also bringing Deutsche Welle and Classic Arts Showcase
name:White Springs TV
desrc:White Springs TV delivers primarily classic movies, and made for TV movies from the 60's, 70's and 80's. All 6000+ titles are presented in high quality digital format and without commercial interruption. This content is provided 24x7 via satellite, to TV stations, cable operators, and FTA dishes throughout USA, Canada, Mexico and South America.
name:Canal 13
desrc:El canal de la <b>Corporación de Televisión de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Canal 13 (o UCTV, UC13, TVUC o "El canal Católico")</b>, emite encuentros deportivos, noticiarios, Sábado Gigante, Los Simpsons, Reportajes, películas y series como CSI.
desrc:24 uur per dag, 7 dagen per week TV voor en door jongeren via internet: Door per sms te stemmen bepaal jij of een clip vaker of minder vaak wordt gedraaid, dus jij bepaalt wat SLAM!TV draait...
desrc:It’s not enough to know more today… You have to know everything!News TV Channel “24” - If you want to know…The first news television channel in Ukraine with unique audience and format. Available from satellite, in cable networks and on the air to satisfy all the viewers. News 24 hours a day! Politics, business, sports and short documentary – every 30 min. And weather forecast as well! The core target audience – men 25-50 years, managers and CEOs, chief of business, leaders and “opinion makers”. Loyal and faithful audience, trusted news. Quality news service for high income viewers.
desrc:Mean for <b> Taj Entertainment Network for Sports</b>. No. 1 Sports Channel for South Asians, programming includes Cricket, Soccer, Golf, Equestrian, F1, Tennis and WWE matches.
desrc:Saint Malo TV est une webTv sur la mer, faite de reportages vidéo sur la région, sur les courses de bateaux telles que la route du rhum, le solitaire, le figaro, ou le trophée BPE. C'est un regard positif et utile, celui du coeur, sur l'actualité, la culture et l'histoire de la région malouine. Une Web TV pour tous les amoureux de la mer. Retrouvez l'actualité journalistique de saint malo, du mont saint michel et de la bretagne en général, gràce à des articles présentant les derniers évènements, les courses de bateau. Retrouvez également une rubrique tourisme avec des informations sur les boutiques et commerces de saint malo, ainsi que les lieux à visiter.
desrc:Sur notre chaîne thématique, vous découvrirez des programmes originaux et une actualité fraîche, des nouvelles du monde comme de votre quartier, le tout sur un ton totalement décalé.
desrc:La Chaîne CLAP TV propose différents programmes variés,centrés sur la culture et destinés à aider et à lancer de jeunes talents artistiques.Elle est gérée par l'association DU REVE A LA REALITE, qui met son but associatif en action par ce média.CLAP TV s'ouvre à d'autres genres en incluant des reportages divers d'intérêt public, de l'information et du divertissement.
desrc:Mulivan a pour specialite la captation video (tournage multicamera et montage en direct), la video experimentale (vj), la realisation de dvd (authoring). Mais nous faisons aussi du tournage et de la post prod traditionnel bien entendus.
desrc:Somos una empresa de servicios de televisión en la web que les brindara una programación para hispano de programas locales desde NY.Nuestras Vision Nuestra visión va mas allá de los limites por que queremos brindar un servicio a nivel mundial para que sirva de puente entre todos los países hispanos y así poder promover la cultura de nuestro país a sitios donde no ha llegado a través de la tecnología.
desrc:Aktuell sind unsere Programme. Was immer Sie aus der Branche erfahren oder welche Modenschau Sie sehen. Wir bemühen uns um einen hohen Aktualitätsgrad. Natürlich wiederholen wir aber auch Highlights für Sie.
desrc:Bienvenue sur CT2E TV, la chaîne d'Information Européenne et Locale. CT2E TV est réalisée par une jeune équipe d'étudiants en école de journalisme (EJC Blagnac).
desrc:Promar TV como productora independiente de televisión aparece en el Estado Lara a los fines del año 1949 con el nombre de Mariano & CO. Para la época tenia su sede en la carrera 18 con calles 34 y 35. Los fundadores de esta empresa fueron el señor Mariano Kossowski y su hermano Andrés Kossowski, quienes con gran trabajo la situaron entre las mejores a nivel nacional regional e incluso nacional.
desrc:The CAMs are on from 8am to 8pm(usually later) Pacific Time(-8 GMT). CAM2 is either a view of the patio from the front of the cage or a view of the food bowls or a view of the tops of the pigloos.
desrc:Hace más de 10 años Canal Luz transmite su señal.Fundado y presidido por el matrimonio de pastores José María Silvestri y Mabel de Silvestri, bajo el único objetivo de llegar a cada hogar presentándoles el mensaje de esperanza y salvación en Jesucristo. Esta señal se origina en Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina y es una puerta abierta a todos los ministerios que ven en la televisión un punto de contacto con millones de personas de diferentes partes del mundo.
desrc:La última hora de las noticias más destacadas del mundo del corazón, las entrevistas en exclusiva, el seguimiento de los acontecimientos sociales con más glamour, la actualidad del corazón internacional, la participación de los telespectadores, el cine español más inolvidable con sus protagonistas... han hecho de TELECORAZÓN un canal familiar, fresco, dinámico y vivo. - Toute la musique ndombolo, soukouss & Rumba Congolaise en direct 24h/24 et 7jours/7. Live Congolese ndombolo, soukous & kwassa kwassa Music Videos 24/7.
desrc:Real time streaming webcam offer you in a unique veiw of St. Hubert Street, located in downtown Montreal, Canada. More than 49 beaches, bars and cites around the world streaming 24 hours on my website.
desrc:The channel has programming very similar to IRIB1, consisting of mini-series, comedies, movies, children's shows, talk shows, and news broadcasts, albeit the programming is censored by the government.
desrc:FTV is the only 24 hours / 7 days fashion, beauty and style TV station worldwide and provides glamorous entertainment with emphasis on the latest trends.
desrc:SpeedUp-TV ist eine Sendergruppe auf der Sie wichtige deutsche und internationale Sportveranstaltungen sehen k├╢nnen. SpeedUp-TV wird von der Science-TV GmbH betrieben, veranstaltet und verantwortet.
desrc:Merak Radio i TV preuzima vesti iz kulture, muzike, ekonomije i drsutva vesti sa online izdanja MONDO, KURIR, SVET, SCANDAL, B 92 ...
desrc:LONG BUFFERING, 45-60 sec...or Not always provides comprehensive sports coverage. Complete sports information including NFL, MLB, NBA, College Football, College Basketball scores and news.
desrc:Broadcast from Bogota. Brindar, a nuestro publico objetivo una alternativa de entretenimiento, cultura y educación mediante la utilización de medios de comunicación masiva, en manera especial, con programas televisivos de servicio a la Comunidad con carácter social que permitan mantener la idiosincrasia del sector de influencia y estimular los buenos modales, costumbres y la convivencia pacifica de todos los Colombianos.
desrc:General TV station. Drama…. Discussion… News…. Kids programmes… Music… Sports… Entertainment – all elements that make Super ONE Television’s Autumn schedule a must-see for all the family.
desrc:Government channel
desrc:Hip Hop channel. MadFace was designed in order to help promote, market local unsigned artists. The founder of MadFace understands the music business and the challenges that are faced by young unsigned artists tryin to break out. Thus, MadFace Tv was born.
name:Mirame Television
desrc:Mirame Television: La nueva television de Tenerife.
desrc:<b>LIV TV</b> (LIV=54 en n├║meros romanos), es un canal que reemplaz├│ a Canal 54, tiene programaci├│n mayormente de entretenimiento, incluye deportes y dibujos animados, pero carece de programas informativos (pero tiene de debates) y educativos/culturales.
desrc:Cable Channel 78 is the City of Fort Lauderdale government-access cable channel. Channel 78 provides residents of the City of Fort Lauderdale with important notices and information, as well as live broadcasts of City Commission and other meetings.
desrc:Types of Programming: Commission Meetings and Rebroadcast Meetings, Community Bulletin Board, Classic Arts Showcase, Events Shows, In-House TV Shows, Outsourced TV Shows, High School TV Shows.
desrc:ARGENT vous offre une programmation variée couvrant tous les aspects de la scène économique et financière. Des informations pour les connaisseurs ou pour tous ceux qui cherchent à mieux s'informer.
desrc:Neem nu 365 dagen 24 uur per dag een kijkje in de pitstraat van Circuit Park Zandvoort. De Pitcam staat opgesteld op de 3e etage in de Seat wedstrijdtoren.
desrc:Welkom bij FestivalTV, nederlands eerste entertainment kanaal op internet.Hier rechts van U ziet U een groot scherm met promotie voor aankomend presentatietalent,nieuw muziektalent, en ruimte voor bijzondere evenementen. Hieronder kunt U naar beneden scrollen en via de tv schermpjes kiezen uit vele muziek en entertainment reportages, welke ook nog een dag en nacht programmering kennen. Tussen 07:00 en 23:00 kunt U kiezen uit alle leeftijden programma's , en van 23:00-tot 07:00 18 jaar en ouder met meer uitdagende items.
desrc:<b>KTBS 3 News</b> provides comprehensive information and news. Based in Shavenport, Louisiana, KTBS is an ABC affiliate that broadcast current events, talk shows and news during the early morning hours. In the evening, newscasts and interviews. You can also watch replays of the newscasts in KPXJ.
desrc:CN8, The Comcast Network ( provides more than 9 million Comcast cable viewers with a unique brand of live, interactive television delivered over its own fiber-optic network to 12 states and 20 television markets stretching from Maine to Virginia and Washington, D.C. CN8 was founded in 1996 and has quickly grown to become the nation's leading regional cable network, airing more than 90 hours a week of original programming from its six studios in the Baltimore, Boston, Delaware, New York, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. areas. CN8 provides in-depth coverage and analysis of special events and important news that broadcast networks often ignore. Since its inception, CN8 has delivered on its mission to continually reshape and revolutionize regional television and its relevance to local, regional and national viewers. CN8's programming and hosts have been honored by the industry with more than 370 regional Emmy Award nominations.
desrc:Original Programmingon WCTV12:Living Life With StyleCommunity FocusI GardenMeet Barrow BusinessHuddle Up
desrc:TVgwinnett (Channel 23) offers more than just speeches and presentations. It also carries specially produced shows on County services and facilities, police and fire academy graduations, groundbreaking and ribbon-cutting ceremonies, talk shows, military news, and special events. The channel also carries text messages about government programs, policies, events, and facilities. Programming on the cable channel is replayed frequently to give citizens ample opportunity to view or record programming.
desrc:Several of RCTV's programs include City meeting schedules, Roswell events and activities, City Job Postings, Fulton County school News, Recreation and Parks Programs, and school sports and events, including CHS Basketball and middle school Academic Bowl. All local information is updated regularly, so please continue to watch RCTV for the very latest city news.
desrc:We're an Internet based streaming network with 24/7 talk show style programming that incorporates shopping, entertainment and fashion. BuyCostumes.TV is the first and only network to focus strictly on Halloween costumes. So sit back relax and get ready for Halloween like you've never seen before! est la webtv du golfe de Saint-tropez, vous retrouvez toute l'actualité du golfe commune par commune, reportage, documentaire, emission de cuisine, annonce de l'emploi, le VHMAG le premier magasine audiovisuel réalisé par un collè bien d'autre chose à découvrir.
desrc:A Just TV é uma Emissora de Televisão via Internet independente com programação gravada e ao vivo, além de ser especializada em comunicação New Media.Gerando e difundindo de forma eficaz estes conteúdos através de uma multiplicidade de plataformas: ao vivo e on demand sobre IP.Pretendemos com isso implantar e revolucionar a televisão que todos conhecem proporcionando uma programação com formatos jamais vistos, além desta tecnologia é possível interagir com os apresentadores e com outros internautas em uma grande rede de comunicação utilizando o Chat, skype, telefone, entre outros.24 horas por dia a Just TV em busca de aprimorar cada vez mais sua transmissão, oferece a você os melhores conteúdos de vídeos além de programação ao vivo, proporcionando interatividade e novidades com pautas de Estética e Beleza, Saúde, Fitness, Esportes, Clipes Musicais, Jornalismo, GLS e muitas novidades e promoções de produtos anunciados.A grade Oficial da Just TV é desenvolvida através de uma Grande Equipe de Profissionais do ramo de Comunicação, Publicidade, Rádio e Televisão.
desrc:Asimismo, el 19 de Julio de 2005 nace el canal regional SOMOS TV 100% Digital el cual se transmite a través del canal 66 UHF, y por el canal 11 de Intercable, abarcando los municipios Irribarren, Palavecino y parte de la población de Chivacoa en el vecino Estado de Yaracuy;  ésto con la finalidad de seguir ofreciendo calidad y servicio al público larense, ya que  SOMOS TV 100% digital cuenta con tecnología que funciona bajo el sistema integrado de automatización, trabajando en formato MPG2.
desrc:Deze week wordt in Maastricht De Week van de Gastronomie gehouden. Iets anders maar ook lekker was de Zoetwarenbeurs in Utrecht in 1980. ...
desrc:Mixed Clips Chaotisch, krank, verrückt, wild... Das sollte als Erkärung eigentlich schon genügen. Mit den kurzen Clips werdet ihr viel Spaß haben. ;-)WR-UndergroundWorm Records ist ein kleines Underground-Label aus Berlin das nonprofit orientiert ist. Es wird Musik ausdem Technounderground vorgestellt, Partydates bekannt gegeben sowie aufnahmen der eigenen Partys gesendet.
desrc:A WebTv é 10, com um novo conceito em TV pela internet. Com uma programação diversificada o internauta pode conferir tudo o que acontece no Brasil, são programas esportivos, revistas eletrônicas, festas, entretenimento, programas de atacado e varejo e claro o entretenimento de altissima qualidade. WebTV é tudo em um só lugar
desrc:Channel from Vitória. Com uma programação diversificada e baseada em entrevistas, debates, reportagens, documentários, experimentos jornalísticas e publicitários, o Canal tem por base difundir a educação, a cultura, a informação e a cidadania, buscando sempre estreitar o relacionamento entre o ambiente acadêmico e a comunidade em geral.
desrc:A sports news channel launched on September 1, 2000. It features live scores, highlights, breaking news and commentary. The service combines video, text and graphics with the screen being divided into 4 sections. A video section that displays highlights and news bulletins, a breaking news ticker at the bottom and a scoring section that gives in-depth analysis of results and game stats.
desrc:TELE90, prende il nome dal suo anno di fondazione. Dall’aprile 2005 è “sbarcata” anche su Internet. E’ l’unica emittente del versante ionico della provincia di Messina, tra Scaletta Zanclea e Taormina.
desrc:TeleRomagna, fondata nel 1974, è una delle prime emittenti private sorte in ItaliaLa mission è quella di offrire al pubblico una TV di alto profilo che dia maggior voce al territorio. TeleRomagna copre infatti un'area di indubbio interesse economico, di grande vitalità associativa, con una marcata caratterizzazione culturale e legata alla tradizione
desrc:TV Acicastello nasce nel 1988 per volontà, ma soprattutto per la passione del sig. Aniello Migliaccio. Lo scopo fondamentale della nostra televisione è quello di poter far vedere in diretta la S. Messa domenicale, le feste e tutte le altre funzioni religiose che caratterizzano l'anno liturgico a tutte quelle persone che per vari motivi non possono andare in Chiesa.
desrc:A LCR Imagem Produtora foi criada em 2001, no início do século XXI, com o intuito de atender ao mercado de vídeo produções independentes. Em 2002, a LCR Imagem desenvolveu o Núcleo de Cinema e TV Luiz Rangel. Com a formação do Núcleo de Cinema e TV Luiz Rangel, a LCR Imagem Produtora passa a atender também o segmento de cinema independente, tendo em seu currículo a produção de mais de doze curtas em vídeo, sendo que três curtas em 16 mm foram participantes do 30°, 31°, 32º e 33º Festival de Cinema de Gramado que marcou a estréia tanto da LCR Imagem Produtora como também do cineasta Luiz Rangel.
name:Jaam-e-Jam 1
desrc:Thios channel shows programs for the Iranian outside of Iran in Europe.
desrc:Not always onlineChannel for Iranians living outside of Iran in America. This channel shows Iranian movies series, films, programs for children, major Iranian sporting events, news, and other special programs
desrc:The channel has a wide range of programming such as children's shows, major dramas, major Iranian movies, talk shows. The channel also has the most watched Iranian news broadcast, and televises the Friday prayers.
desrc:Uma televisão de âmbito regional que funciona (num conceito inicial) em suporte on-line. A nossa área de intervenção comunicacional visa principalmente, e em primeiro lugar, o concelho de Loures, estendendo-se depois à região da Grande Lisboa e num aspecto mais amplo à actualidade em geral. Informação e Entretenimento são, naturalmente, os suportes funcionais da nossa actividade.
name:Kiss TV
desrc:Kiss TV es un nuevo canal de televisi├│n digital terrestre gratuito de la Comunidad de Madrid, perteneciente al Grupo Kiss Media, dedicado a la m├║sica y a las noticias, propiedad del empresario asturiano Blas Herrero.
desrc:Western TV bietet Ihnen legendäre Western mit John WayneKirk Douglas und vielen anderen.Sehen Sie bei uns harte Männerund schöne Frauen.Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Spaß beimzuschauen!
desrc:PRESS TV offers broad news coverage, specifically focusing on the Middle East.PRESS TV dares to tackle the controversial global news agenda and broadcasts cutting-edge documentaries with political, social and economic contents.PRESS TVΓÇÖs goal is to present a deeper analysis of current affairs, aiming to show the other side of the story.
name:Kabbalah TV
desrc:The daily Kabbalah lessons of Michael Laitman, PhD as well as a selection of Kabbalistic feature films and documentaries. Viewers are welcome to ask questions related to the material during the lessons, and get them answered live. (Lessons are broadcasted from the Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education Center, Israel.)
desrc:Film - Click - TV ! Videoclick et le groupe AB réalisent enfin la convergence entre Internet et la Télévision.Poste tes vidéos sur le site, notes-les et choisis celles qui passeront à la télé sur le bouquet numérique ABSat.Sur Videoclick, c'est toi qui fais et choisis le programme !
desrc:When Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) was launched on August 15, 1981, many felt there would be little demand for a Catholic network. Now, in its 26th year, EWTN has become the largest religious media network in the world, transmitting programming 24 hours a day to more than 123 million homes in 140 countries and territories on more than 4,800 cable systems, wireless cable, Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS), low power TV and individual satellite users.
desrc:When Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) was launched on August 15, 1981, many felt there would be little demand for a Catholic network. Now, in its 26th year, EWTN has become the largest religious media network in the world, transmitting programming 24 hours a day to more than 123 million homes in 140 countries and territories on more than 4,800 cable systems, wireless cable, Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS), low power TV and individual satellite users.
desrc:KIRMIZI ÇIZGI Tüm dogrularin, dogru bilinenlerin yavas yavas siyaha boyanmak, yok edilmek istendigi bir ortamda kirmizi çizgileri koruyoruz... Ata'nin ilkeleri isiginda, Türkiye'nin gündemini nesnel, dürüst ve güvenilir tavrimizla ortaya koyuyoruz. Nahit DURU'nun sundugu ve Elifsah YASUN'la birlikte yapimini üstlendigi "Kirmizi Çizgi" Sali günleri saat 21:30'da Kanal B'de...
desrc:Information kultur channel
desrc:CNN+ (leído CNN Plus) es un canal temático de televisión de 24 horas de información lanzado el 27 de enero de 1999 producido por Compañía Independiente de Noticias de Televisión, empresa participada en un 50% por la compañía española Sogecable - Grupo PRISA y en otro 50% por la compañía estadounidense Turner Broadcasting - Grupo Time Warner (propietaria de la cadena de información continua CNN). Su eslogan es: Está pasando, lo estás viendo.
desrc:SCCtv became the first community college television station to stream live, fulltime, on the Internet. Our programs about the Seattle Community Colleges and our 7 regular program series, Artists Express, Seattle ArtsLink, Books at the Berkshire, Entrepreneurs & Innovators, I Remember Seattle, Movie Marvels, and Synopsis, are archived on our site and served on demand. Watch these programs here at
desrc:南;京;科;学;教;育;频;道;主;要;节;目;包;括;《;法;制;现;场;》;、;《;天;生;我;才;》;和;《;仪;事;园;》;等;。;Local regional TV Channel located in city of Nanjing. Provides programs related to technology and science
desrc:Emissora de TV na Internt com programas variados como: automobilismo, musica eletronica, esportes, infantis, gls, gastronimia, entretenimento, e outros.
desrc:Channel 125 is a streaming media channel dedicated to providing quality entertainment programming from independent producers. Channel 125 shows Jackass Jr., Back Yard Wrestling, Night Owl Music Videos, George Riz, Hacker Hunter, Dick 'n Friends, Reuters World News, A Chat with Glendora, and Talking Politcs.
desrc:UINDY football game. Lot's of sports coverage on Indiana's most prolific producer of high school and collegiate sports
desrc:The Zoo is home to six western lowland gorillas, three females and three males, who live in one group. Two of the males are juveniles who were born here at the ZooΓÇöKojo, who was born in November 2001, and Kwame, who was born in November 1999. The third male, Baraka, is an adult who was born here in in 1992. Gorillas are the world's largest primates and one of our closest relatives.
desrc:La Ley Pública de Estados Unidos 98-111 decretó la creación de TV Martí, enmendada posteriormente por el Acta de Transmisiones de Televisión a Cuba, con el mandato de proveer programs noticiosos e informativos balanceados y sin censura para el pueblo cubano. TV Martí inició sus transmisiones el 27 de marzo de 1990, despúes de dos años de estudio y preparación. Desde sus estudios, actualmente ubicados en Miami, TV Martí transmite los siete dias de la semana, de 6:00 pm a 10:30 pm, cuatro horas y media diarias de programación de calidad, compuesta de noticieros y espacios de análisis así como eventos deportivos y artísticos, espectáculos y presentaciones que reflejan la vida cotidiana en Estados Unidos y otros países.
name:Montreal Quebec. Canada. Plaza st. Hubert street.
desrc:Streaming live on St. Hubert Street Plaza. Also listen Quebec live atc traffic. Find more than 83 beaches, bars, cites and airports around the world streaming 24 hours.
desrc:Brazilian Movies: short,documentary,animation, series and videoclipes.
name:Nile International
desrc:Nile TV International is the second Egyptian satellite television news network in Egypt, and the first Arab satellite channel to broadcast its programs in foreign languages; English, French and Hebrew.<br>NILE TV International sheds light on Egyptian and Arab cultural, tourist, economic and artistic issues, with strong emphasis on news which is given first priority. It also plays a very important role at the informative, cultural, artistic, economic and tourist levels because it reflects the national Egyptian and Arab opinions, positions and aspirations. It expresses them freely through establishing objective dialogue with others. Based on logic and insight, the dialogue embraces all aspects of globalization because the world has become a single global village.
name:Montreal Quebec Canada, st. Hubert street Plaza
desrc:Real time streaming webcam offer you a unique view of Montreal Plaza st Hubert street. Also listen Montreal live atc traffic. On website find more than 83 beaches, bars, cities and airport around the world streaming 24 hours.
name:st. Hubert street Plaza, Montreal Quebec Canada,
desrc:Real time streaming webcam offer you a unique view of Montreal Plaza st Hubert street. Also listen Montreal live atc traffic. On website find more than 83 beaches, bars, cities and airport around the world streaming 24 hours.
desrc:Montreal Quebec Canada, st. Hubert street PlazaReal time streaming webcam offer you a unique view of Montreal Plaza st Hubert street. Also listen Montreal live atc traffic. Find more than 84 beaches, bars, cities and airport around the world streaming 24 hours. is dé website voor muziek, films en games. Een clip zoeken, gratis muziek luisteren, maar natuurlijk ook gratis chatten in onze chatrooms.
desrc:televisione on demaind del Meridione d'Italia
name:Orange Sport
desrc:<b>Not always online, ne fonctionne pas toujours</b>
desrc:A TVSIAO é a primeira TV judaico messiânica do MUNDO! Com uma programação variada que inclui serviços religiosos, documentários, estudos e o melhor do louvor judaico-Messiânico de Israel e do mundo, a TVSIAO levará até você as bênçãos de Sião. Acesse e confira! Pois a TORÁ sairá de Sião, e a palavra do Eterno de Jerusalém.
desrc:Sport channel with content about Tour de France, C.League, C.Uefa, Serie A, Serie B, Serie C, Serie D, Calcio a 5, Basket, Volley, Ciclismo, Rugby, Handball, Hockey, Motori, Pallanuoto, Altri Sport
name:TV Canal 1
desrc:A TV das entidades - Brasilia, Brazil
name:TV Amaury Junior
desrc:IPTV - Entrevistas, festas, Programa Flash - Sao Paulo, Brazil
desrc:La Tvm a pour objectif d’informer, d’éduquer et de distraire , c’est dans ce sens qu’elle a commencé à émettre sur ARABSAT en octobre 1992 , une diffusion d’une durée de 4h 30m par jour , puis de 10 h par jour à partir de juin 1997 , avant de procéder à une diffusion 24/24 h depuis fin 2005 .
name:Montreal Quebec Canada, st. Hubert street Plaza
desrc:Real time streaming webcam. Also listen Montreal live atc traffic. Find more than 86 beaches, bars and cities around the world streaming 24 hours.
name:Montreal Quebec Canada, st. Hubert street Plaza
desrc:Real time streaming webcam. Also listen Montreal live atc traffic. Find more than 86 beaches, bars and cities around the world streaming 24 hours.
desrc:the first haitian tv in premiere television haitienne en France
name:Old Cartoon TV
desrc:The best of 1950's old Cartoons, on a live WebTV 24/7 ! For all the family.
name:RBC Television
desrc:RBC Television, canal 11, Lima-Peru
region:South America
name:Noor Tv
desrc:Noor Tv is an Afghan Tv fro afghan entertainments. you can take all the persian and afghan tv from just register ur self and get all the channels for your web site. thanx. Best Regards Romeo tv link
name:Tv Caraibes
desrc:Tvcaraibe est une tv musicale francophone et européenne qui diffuse en live 24/24 Des programmes musicaux des reportages des interviews des news et des courts métrages TVcaraibe est une Tv 100% caraibbéenne.
desrc:NRJ HITS est une nouvelle chaîne à la programmation 100% musicale qui a pour objectif d‚offrir le plaisir de la bonne musique, de toutes les musiques à destination d‚un public majoritairement composé de jeunes et de jeunes adultes (15-34 ans). Bénéficiaire de l‚expérience de NRJ et de NRJ 12, NRJ HITS est une chaîne avec un esprit jeune, innovant, frais... Adossée sur les valeurs sûres que sont les hits de la radio NRJ et de ses webradios, NRJ HITS est la chaîne de télévision du groupe qui diffuse le meilleur de la musique.
desrc:Ecole de cinéma, diffusion de court métrage, fiction et documentaire ainsi que des cours de cinéma d'images de son de montage et de réalisation
desrc:Science Fiction TV shows classic SCI-FI movies one after the another, without commercials or interruptions. Enjoy quality sci-fi movies at any time of the day.
desrc:Not always onlineTMF pure is a music video channel based in netherlands, and is part of the MTV Networks Europe. It shows non stop pop music videos and occasionaly MTV`s Programmes like cribs, the Osbourne`s etc.
desrc:Biosphère est une webtv, totalement neutre, dont la seule ambition est d'éveiller les consciences sur la beauté et la diversité du monde, des êtres qui le composent mais également sur la fragilité de notre environnement. Biosphère développera des thèmes variés autour des voyages, de l'environnement de l'art de vivre... Les reportages présentés sont un mélange de vidéos amateurs (provenant d'internet), de videos et de films professionnels ainsi que des videos propres à Planète Insolite. Biosphère est une chaîne bilingue, mélangeant reportages en langue française et anglaise
desrc:WELCOME TO THE ISLAMIC CHANNEL.IIPC TRANSMISSIONIIPC 24 HOURS ONLINE TV CHANNEL IIPC TV is among the very few online TV channels dedicated in showing only content related to Islam in its program list. It is a free online TV channel in English language (primarily) with some programs also aired in Urdu language. It can be received all over the world which provides intellectually stimulating programs with a focus on religion which appeals to both educated Muslims and non Muslims alike. Its objective is to highlight and propagate the true image of Islam without any bias through study and works of various internationally renowned orators and scholars like Ahmed Deedat, Mohammad Shaikh, Harun Yahya, Dr.Zakir Naik,Shaikh Zandani, Cat Stevens/Yousuf Islam, Maurice Buckle, Steve Johnson, Gary Miller and many others. Included in the program list are documentaries on scientific evidences in relation with the ayats of Quran. 24 Hours, spiritual & educational internet TV channel IIPC TV targets the educated and the intellectuals globally (among all ethnic backgrounds and also religious background) to not only view but also participate through various platforms online and on location made available through IIPC. The programs which are aired are chosen carefully which offer cues for prompting truth, justice, morality, harmony, wisdom and guidance for all mankind. With broad coverage across the globe and the channels popularity ever increasing, combined with innovative technological solutions to encourage interaction between muslims and non-mulsims through our website, we hope and pray that this will be a platform unlike any other to educate, stimulate and inspire towards a better understanding of the message of Allah/God.
name:KNDO NBC 23
desrc:KNDO is an NBC affiliate transmitting from Washington, USA. The station provides live breaking news, focusing on the local washington Yakima scene. Daylight programming is full of re-runs of old classics, while in the evening hours you can catch the latest CSI episode or enjoy some of the newest NBC comedy productions.
desrc:ORLEANS TV est la chaîne de télévision locale d'Orléans.Elle émet 24h/24, 7j/7 en analogique hertzien et sur la TNT, sur l'agglomération orléanaise et ses environs.L'équipe d'ORLEANS TV est composée de 23 personnes, dont 10 journalistes et 10 personnels technique et production.
desrc:Web tv musicale, jazz swing et rock'n roll de la musique pour danser ! Sur ce site vous trouverez des videos a telecharger gratuitement et des infos pour sortir et danser.Web tv diffusion en flash et wmv.24/24
name:GEO News
desrc:GEO TV programming, news and corporate details about the company in Pakistan, the USA and UK.
desrc:The channel is WKYT, the CBS affiliate for Lexington, Kentucky. This stream is the online Webcast and dont broadcast CBS network programming, only shows ads until the next newscast.
desrc:Prens TV OnlineTurkish Music Television 24 hour live Music from Turkey and interview with Stars from Turkey.
name:Solaike TV
desrc:los más vistos. Mirá Tv on Line · Prendete con nosotros · Sin Antifaz · Última entrevista de Sin Antifaz · Myriam y vos · Mundo Aéreo · Cousteau ...
desrc:Check out the live events at Federation Square! When a major event is being held on the main stage at Fed Square, the "Events Live" camera will beam it onto for your viewing pleasure.
desrc:Kuwait Television (KTV) is one of the Middle East's most influential broadcasters and is well-regarded throughout the Arab world for its coverage of politics, news and current affairs. The state owns and controls Kuwait's radio and television stations; there are no privately owned terrestrial broadcasters. KTV operates three networks and one satellite channel ΓÇö an important addition in a country where satellite dishes are widely used, enabling viewers to watch popular pan-Arab broadcasts.
desrc:Big Ben is one of LondonΓÇÖs best-known tourist landmarks, and looks truly spectacular at night when the clock faces are illuminated. On day time,this webcam changes view every 60 seconds for 4 to 6 different view
desrc:Kuwait Television (KTV) is one of the Middle East's most influential broadcasters and is well-regarded throughout the Arab world for its coverage of politics, news and current affairs. The state owns and controls Kuwait's radio and television stations; there are no privately owned terrestrial broadcasters. KTV operates three networks and one satellite channel ΓÇö an important addition in a country where satellite dishes are widely used, enabling viewers to watch popular pan-Arab broadcasts.
name:KTV 3
desrc:Kuwait Sports or KTV3 is a live sports station based in Kuwait that broadcasts International and national coverage of sporting events including soccer, sailing, horse racing and more.
desrc:Source tv, c’est le nom de la nouvelle chaîne de télévision d’obédience évangélique qui a été présentée à la presse nationale le vendredi 09 novembre dernier au travers d’un point de presse tenu à la salle coup de fusil de l’hôtel ivoire.
desrc:Not alway online <br<br>Mit Bundesligen-TV startet die Science-TV GmbH einen eigenen TV-Kanal für Sportfans. Berichterstattungen vom Training, Interviews mit Spielern und die vollständigen Pressekonferenzen der Vereine bilden den Hauptteil des Programms. Die aktuellen Sendungen werden von Montag bis Freitag ausgestrahlt, wobei der Zuschauer viele Informationen brandaktuell und noch vor den Sportnachrichtensendungen sehen kann.
desrc:NRJ Groove est une nouvelle chaîne à la programmation 100% musicale qui a pour objectif d‚offrir le plaisir de la bonne musique, de toutes les musiques à destination d‚un public majoritairement composé de jeunes et de jeunes adultes (15-34 ans).
desrc:<b>Live breaking news coverage</b> ΓÇó KTTV FOX 11 and KCOP My13 newscasts (only breaking news) ΓÇó Good Day LA shows ΓÇó Traffic camera video ΓÇó FOX 11's CUBE earthquake monitoring system ΓÇó Other information, as warranted ΓÇó Skyfox feed
desrc:WebMirTV brings closer together the Russian speaking public that resides in different provinces and states of the USA and Canada. The main goal of WebMirTV team is to offer brief news on social and entertainment immigrant life and to introduce the audience to the most successful entrepreneurs or remarkable individuals of our community in North America.
desrc:Al-Jazeera (meaning "The Peninsula", referring to the Arabic name for the Arabian Peninsula) is a television network headquartered in Doha, Qatar. Initially launched as an Arabic news and current affairs satellite TV channel with the same name, Al Jazeera has since expanded into a network with several outlets, including the Internet and specialty TV channels, in multiple languages, and in several regions of the world.
desrc:OC16 Sports is where Hawaii comes to play! From high schools sports to college events, we bring the island's favorite games right into your living room. So sit back and gather up your friends and family because your game is on OC16 Sports!
desrc:Live newscasts and local programming: Weekdays: FOX4 News at 5am, FOX4 News at 6am, FOX4 News Morning Show, FOX4 News at Noon, FOX4 News at 12:30, FOX4 News at 5, FOX4 News at 6, FOX4 News at 9, FOX4 News at 10.Weekends: FOX4 Satuday, FOX4 news at 5, FOX4 News at 9, FOX4 News at 10, FOX4 Sunday. is your gateway to the web. Find the best of News, Music, Videos and Games, from more than 16,000 websites, and search for the best prices on Flights, Hotels and Products
desrc:DENVER 8 TV is the City and County of Denvers municipal access television channel. The office provides television production services to City and County of Denver agencies and the offices of our elected officials. The work group is a division of the Technology Services Department.
desrc:Home & Travel TV is an Independent channel covering international property and travel on Channel 679 using the Sky TV platform. Home & Travel TV programming features separate documentaries for each country, enabling us to introduce the viewer to the destination and is followed by property details and offers in that area and also specific hotel travel deals. Apart from the extensive individual property insights and offers, our property programming also includes legal advice, an introduction to Independent Financial Advice and introduces the viewer to the steps of buying an overseas property.
desrc:A Tv é uma emissora de IPTV regulamentada junto aos órgãos competentes no Brasil para Transmissão de conteúdos audiovisual de produção independente formada por Profissionais de Rádio e TV que enxergam o futuro e realizam no presente.
desrc:Bastille, capitale des arrondissements parisiens, non pas onzième du rang mais premier en matière de joie de vivre tant la diversité de ses habitants et infrastructures culturelles ont su afficher au grand jour la beauté d’une agglomération mixte, jeune et active.<br><br>Bastille TV pour s’embastiller de culture urbaine !
desrc:CAP 24 est la nouvelle chaîne de la TNT francilienne, disponible sur le canal 24.Elle émet 7 jours/7, 24 heures/24 depuis la mythique rue Cognacq-Jay.CAP 24 a pour vocation de refléter largement la diversité francilienne, être un espace de dialogue entre les communautés. La ligne éditoriale de CAP 24 repose sur les 4 fonctions fondatrices de la proximité : le miroir, le service, la mémoire et l'ouverture.
desrc:Tourismus Austria Vision. Die Internetseite wurde im Oktober 2007 durch eine Kooperation mit der Produktionsfirma SH-Productions ins Leben gerufen. Resultat dieser Kooperation ist eines der ersten TV-Vollprogramme im Internet, das sich dem Thema Tourismus verschrieben hat. Über IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) werden 24 Stunden täglich, sieben Tage die Woche österreichische Regionen, Hotels, Freizeitanbieter, Reisebüros, Veranstaltungen und Großereignisse präsentiert. Neben dem umfangreichen laufenden Sendeprogramm finden Internetuser auch jede Menge abrufbare Filmbeiträge im „On-Demand-Bereich". Spezielle Rubriken wie beispielsweise „Kochen mit Profis", „Reisegewinnspiele" oder „Touristik Interviews" gehen hier auf die individuellen Bedürfnisse der TV-Seher ein.
desrc:Please wait buffering, more than 30 secondes. Breaking news and Newscasts, if inst showing local programming you receive 11Alive WeatherPlus and 11Alive PowerPlus One Million Dollar Doppler Radar
desrc:The channel is a rolling 24-hour sports news channel using the strength of the Setanta Sports brand across the Republic of Ireland and Great Britain.
desrc:WARNING!!: LONG BUFFERING (more than 1 minute)Zagros TV is a Kurdish satellite television station based in Iraqi Kurdistan.It takes its name from Zagros Mountains.
desrc:Canalul "Alfa Omega TV este un canal interconfesional si interetnic al carui scop este sa promoveze valorile crestine printre romanii de pretutindeni, de orice denominatie sau apartenenta religioasa.
name:Youth Tv
desrc:YouthTv este un canal pentru tineri si copii, continand muzica, divertisment, filme, desene animate si programe pentru copii.
name:Crestin TV
desrc:Canalul CrestinTV este un canal pentru cresterea si zidirea trupului lui Christos, continand seminarii, predici si materiale informative si educationale pentru maturizarea credinciosilor.
name:TV Internauta
desrc:Internet channel from São Paulo. Entrevistas, Programas e Entretenimento
desrc:tsrinfo est un programme télévisé d'information en continu de la Télévision Suisse Romande. <br>Le programme est constitué de : Vidéos des actualités les plus récentes (mise à jour en permanence durant la journée) Rediffusions de plusieurs sujets des journaux de 12h45, 18h55 et 19h30 Météo Revue de presse par webcam depuis les rédactions de plusieurs quotidiens romands Actualités sous forme de texte (diffusion régulière en plein écran et en permanence en bas de l'écran)
desrc:TVPI, est la chaîne locale de la Côte basque et du sud des Landes, bassin de 250 000 habitants autour de Bayonne et Biarritz. <br>TVPI a fait le choix de se consacrer exclusivement au divertissement local : pas de news, mais des sujets magazine sur la culture, les fêtes, les sports, la glisse, la tauromachie ... Choix éditorial, nos vidéastes s’abstiennent de trop de commentaires, laissant s’exprimer à plein leurs interlocuteurs. Des rubriques en basque et gascon sont produites régulièrement, les images sont rediffusées 24h/24. A une époque où il y a plus de communiquants que de journalistes, TVPI s'établit comme média de complément, et a choisi de susciter et satisfaire la curiosité du téléspectateur pour sa région, sans céder aux impératifs de l'actualité ou aux besoins de communication d'entreprises ou institutions.Il n'est ainsi en général fait écho aux sollicitations de services de presse que dans le cadre de partenariats payants dûment signalés à l'antenne.
name:2M TV
desrc:Ne fonctionne pas toujours. Si le live ne fonctionne pas, attendez plusou moins une minutes et vous aurez accès au dernier journal télévisiez de 2mTV.<br><br> deuxième chaîne de télévision marocaine: programmes, actualités, sport, art et culture, services, tourisme.
desrc:Despite constituting one fifth of the worldΓÇÖs population, Muslims and Islam are currently misrepresented in the global media. This has led to a large demand amongst Muslims for television that reflects their needs and programmes that are founded upon Islamic values. <br><br>Islam Channel aspires to be an alternative channel; it will advance unbiased and accurate images of Islam and Muslims and endeavour to bring about cultural understanding and awareness for a peaceful and harmonious co-existence amongst communities.
desrc:100% NRJ. L’infotainment est sans aucun doute ce qui fait la spécificité du ton NRJ : un savant mélange d’infos et de loisirs, d’actus et de paillettes.NRJ Paris est une chaîne réglée sur un rythme urbain alternant actus, infos pratiques et divertissements.Une chaîne qui vous ressemble.
desrc:Dénicher, caméra au poing, les bons plans loisir du moment, puis les proposer aux internautes sous forme de reportages vidéos : c'est le défi de Citevents, la Web TV bordelaise. Bars, restos, concerts, événements, assos...Pas toujours facile de se retrouver dans la diversité de choix qu'offre la capitale girondine. Pour guider le citadin déboussolé, quels que soient ses centres d'intérêt, Citevents propose 5 chaînes aux thématiques différentes Urban Life : Bar, soirée, événement, styles... Pour les amateurs de coins hypes et branchés, la chaîne qui vous ressemble. Passions : Sports, cours de cuisine, loisirs. En vidéo, vous trouverez là tous les sujets liés aux thèmes qui vous passionnent. Select : Envie d'un bar cosy ? D'un lieu d'exception ? Retrouvez les restaurants, bars, salons de beauté et salles de sport les plus selects sur ce canal. À l'affiche : Les meilleurs événements, les avant-premières cinéma avec interview des équipes de film... Retrouvez, à l'avance, les temps forts de l'actualité culturelle bordelaise. Coups de cœur : Envie d'aider très fort une association qui se bat pour une cause juste, pour un établissement vraiment différent. Vous retrouverez ici les coups de cœurs que les équipes de Citevents ont selectionné pour vous.
desrc:Watch local newscasts (KARE11 News @ 4 in HD) and local programming like KARE Online and others; if isnt not streaming local shows you receive <b>KARE11 WeatherPLUS+</b>
desrc:Sport Italia è un canale tematico dedicato interamente allo sport con eventi live, Tg sportivi e programmi di approfondimento 24 ore su 24. Il calcio Sudamericano ed Europeo, le grandi nazionali straniere, la più completa programmazione di Motori a due e quattro ruote ed il basket NBA sono solo alcuni dei punti di forza di SportItalia.
name:WCBS [CBS2 New York City, NY]
desrc:watch special events live here along with the following newscasts:Monday - FridayCBS 2 News This MorningCBS 2 News at NoonCBS 2 News at 5CBS 2 News at 6CBS 2 News at 11SaturdayCBS 2 News Saturday MorningCBS 2 News at 6CBS 2 News at 11 SundayCBS 2 News Sunday MorningCBS 2 News at 6:30CBS 2 News at 11Sports Sunday
desrc:Watch newscasts, breaking news and local programming from Syracuse. If isnt streaming shows you will see the Doppler radar, if broke during a newscast or show you need to stop stream and replay.
desrc:Ne fonctionne pas toujours...ou plus du tout ?Une chaîne de télé pensée et conçue pour les petits de 2 à 7 ans. Jeux et grilles des programmes.
desrc:Holiday TV is a Holiday Travel channel, on the internet. It works just like a holiday channel on broadcast TV, but it reaches a much larger audience and it broadcasts around the world 24 hours a day !60% of holidays are researched on the internet, and 40% of holidays are booked on the internet. Holiday TV takes the holiday travel programme and delivers it to people in the samemedium that they use to buy their holiday. Internet TV at it's best. référence toute les meilleures vidéos et photos du web en les classant par catégories : delires, insolites, crash, bastons, animaux, etc.
desrc:webtv et webradio consacrées la musique rock indépendante : annuaire d'artistes, actualité, agenda, clips, concerts, mp3.. Si vous n'avez pas d'image double cliquez sur l'écran; en mode plein écran l'image viendra
desrc:Spirit Television Network is positive, encouraging music. Spirit features music videos 24/7 from artists like Third Day, MercyMe, Newsboys, Rebecca St. James, and many others. No need to worry about changing the channel... just leave Spirit on all day while you work and play at home!
desrc:Transliteration of "The Free One", is a news station claims to be a part of a campaign to reduce the level of anti-American sentiment in Arab countries.
desrc:Watch local programming and NBC Network programming when it happens, you probably see a black screen, cityscape, traffic cams or WYFF4 WeatherPlus and Super Doppler 4HD
desrc:Physician Focus is a monthly, half-hour educational television program for people and patients of all ages that focuses on important topics in the world of health and medicine.
desrc:La météo sur France 2, Les prévisions à trois jours du temps en France métropolitaine, dans les DOM-TOM, en Europe et dans le Monde - Carte de france.
desrc:The mission of Tenafly High School, a diverse community valuing academic excellence, collaboration, responsibility and self-expression
name:Good Eat
desrc:Lets Eat Out...... Great Restaurants... Cooking Tips....Some of the most unique Places To Eat while TravelingWatch Shows like: A Taste of Central Florida and more
desrc:Attention cette chaîne requière un abonnement de 3 Euro par mois que vous devez contracter depuis le site de l'é à cette adresse :'équipe TV est la chaîne du sport du journal l'Equipe, la référence en matière d'infos sportives. Elle propose des flashs tous les 1-4 d'heure pour ne manquer aucun résultat.
desrc:<b> Al Jazeera Sports</b> (Arabic: الجزيرة الرياضية‎) is a popular Arabic-language sports channel launched in November 2003 by the well-known Al Jazeera network. It has quickly grown and become the most popular sports channel in the Middle East, and has covered a wide range of major sporting events, such as the Euro 2004 soccer games in Portugal and the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens. Al Jazeera Sports is based in Qatar, and is based in the same complex in Doha at TV Roundabout. Notable events which Al Jazeera Sports has broadcasting rights to include: Formula One, the English FA Cup, the Italian Serie A, La Liga of Spain , the Portuguese SuperLiga, the Dutch League (Eredivise), Qatari League, the 2006 African Cup of Nations , the League Cup and Euro 2008 .Al Jazeera Sports has won exclusive broadcast rights to UEFA Champions League matches across the Middle East and North Africa for a period of four years. 2009 to 2012.
desrc:Please wait for 1-2 minutes buffering before watch this TV Antena 3 ofrece una gran variedad de programas entretenidos y de variedades como el Diario y Medio, Jeopardy!, ¿Dónde estás Corazón? y muchos más incluido algunos programas informativos.
desrc:UrbaniaTV broadcasts 24 hours in real time and also in demand, programs in general, Documentary and Shorts. from the city of Mar del Plata in Argentina.
desrc:FightTV provides the first FREE network channel dedicated to EXTREME FIGHTING from all the venues. We continually add new content to the network, so you will always be entertained. Includes: Kombat in Ukraine, Warrior Challenge, Battle on the Bayou, Extreme Cage Fighting, IFC in Akwasasne, and much much more.
desrc:Watching Lions: The Zoo is home to three female lions, Lusaka, Shera, and Nababiep, and one male lion, Luke. Tigers are lions' closest relatives. Without their coats, lion and tiger bodies are so similar that only experts can tell them apart.
desrc:Watching Asian small-clawed otters: Six male otters live on Asia Trail. If you see one, you'll likely see the others. Small-clawed otters, the smallest of the world's 13 otter species, live in family groups and play often.
desrc:Watching Sloth Bears: Three sloth bears live at the Zoo. A mother and her male cub, born in January 2006, live together, and the cubΓÇÖs father lives alone. You may see the bears climbing, foraging for insects, or sleeping. Native to India, Sri Lanka, and southern Nepal, sloth bears are the only bears to carry young on their backs.
genre:Zoo Cam
name:Kiwi Chick Cam
desrc:Watching a young kiwi: This camera looks into the nest box of Koa, a North Island brown kiwi that hatched at the Zoo on March 7, 2008. This is just the third chick to hatch here since 1975ΓÇöthe first time a kiwi hatched outside of New Zealand. Since kiwis are nocturnal, the best time to view the chick exploring and foraging in its box will be in the evening.
desrc:Cowboy Bills Honky Tonk Saloon in Key West, Florida features two live webcams. Tune in for our sexy bull riding contests and live country music bands.
desrc:Cowboy Bills Honky Tonk Saloon in Key West, Florida features two live webcams. Tune in during the day and enjoy our recorded sexy bull riding contests and at night the web cam goes Live!
desrc:Long buffering, more than 1 minuteWatch eveery newscast of WLEX on the web!. Schedule: Weekdays: LEX18 News at Sunrise @ 5AM, 6AM, LEX18 News at Noon, at 12:30, at 5, at 5:30, at 6, at 11.Weekends: LEX18 News at 11. All Times Eastern (ET)
desrc:Current schedule: MORNINGS: 5am-7am Monday through Friday, 8am-10am Saturday, 9am-10am Sunday.MIDDAY: 11am-12 noon Monday through Friday EVENING: 5pm to 5:30pm & 6pm to 6:30pm dailyNIGHT: 10pm to 10:30pm Monday through Saturday, 10pm-11:00pm SundayAll in Mountain Time (MT)
desrc:NOS Journaal 24 delivers news around the clock to keep residents up to date on the latest information. NOS (Nederlandse Omroep Stichting) is a large news reporting agency from the Netherlands.
desrc:Watch all newscasts of ABC4 including local programming.Schedule: Good Morning Utah: 5-7am; Good Things Utah: 10-11am; ABC4 News at 4; ABC4 News at 5:30, ABC4 News at 6 and ABC4 News at 10.All in Pacific Time, only ABC4 News at 10 on weekends.
desrc:Offroad Channel is a TV station dedicated to the 4x4 world. If you are a jeep-type of person, You ll be definately captured by this big collection of extreme off-road action clips.
desrc:NRJ Pop Rock est une nouvelle chaîne à la programmation 100% musicale qui a pour objectif d‚offrir le plaisir de la bonne musique, de toutes les musiques à destination d‚un public majoritairement composé de jeunes et de jeunes adultes (15-34 ans).
desrc:NRJ Dance est une nouvelle chaîne à la programmation 100% musicale qui a pour objectif d‚offrir le plaisir de la bonne musique, de toutes les musiques à destination d‚un public majoritairement composé de jeunes et de jeunes adultes (15-34 ans).
desrc:Not always workingExtreme Sports Channel is the only 24-7 channel bringing you skate, surf, snow and bike action and attitude direct to your TV in over 50 countries around the world. We are dedicated to showcasing the best programmes, events, riders, films, competitions and behind-the-scenes exclusives from the grassroots groms to the pro star talent.
desrc:TV8 Moselle-Est est une chaîne de télévision locale créée à l'initiative de collectivités locales qui ont confié la réalisation des émissions à deux associations. La diffusion est assurée par un câble-opérateur.
name:Wowow TV
desrc:Wowow TV is an online movies & music channel from Japan.
name:KVBC [NBC3 Las Vegas, NV]
desrc:Watch News@Noon here and breaking news coverage, after this you will see <b>News 3 Weather Plus</b>. is an European website with a large product mix ranging from music, fitness, health & beauty, to home wares and self-imporvement.
desrc:Der Kanal Telemedial ist ein ├╢sterreichischer Fernsehsender, der sich selbst als der ΓÇ₧erste spirituelle Sender in EuropaΓÇ£ [1] bezeichnet..........
desrc:Fox Crime is a television network, launched by the Fox Broadcasting Company, which airs across several countries of Europe and Asia, such as Italy,
desrc:24 HOURS SPIRITUAL & EDUCATIONAL INTERNET TV CHANNELA Telecasting ΓÇ£FreeΓÇ¥ TV programs in English & Urdu. Backed by the best available Media Technology, Creativity, Research, Programs Software and Operational Management. Quest for promoting Truth, Justice, Morality, Harmony, Wisdom and Guidance for all mankind. The TV programs will feature internationally famous scholars and orators on religion and humanity like Ahmed Deedat, Mohammad Shaikh, Haroon Yehya, Dr. Zakir Naik and many others, also documentaries on scientific evidence in relation with the ayats of Quran.
desrc:Media Unlimited (Pvt.) Ltd has been established with the objective to engage in the production of television content and marketing for " n-Vibe TV '' in Pakistan, beaming on THAICOM-5 on its global foot print.
desrc:Local TV channel from Santa Cruz de la Sierra
desrc:National TV channel
name:Megavision Canal 18
desrc:TV channel From Santa Cruz de la Sierra
desrc:Christian TV channel
name:Movies 4 Men
desrc:Movies4Men launched in the UK in February 2006 with two channels offering movies aimed primarily at Men 16 and above. Both Channels are available on the Sky digital platform and can be found at channel numbers 325 and 327 broadcasting for 21 hours a day.The two channels have a slight audience target differentiation with Movies4Men enjoying the best of War, Western, Film Noir and Detective movies. Movies4men2 is dedicated to providing modern movies with Gangster, thriller, challenging drama, horror, martial arts and provocative action at its centre.
desrc:A debreceni székhelyűAlföld Televízió az ország egyik legnagyobb kereskedelmi kábeltelevíziója. Műorstruktúránkban kiemelt szerep jut a hírnek, a sportnak és a zenének.
desrc:Telecasting ΓÇ£Free to AirΓÇ¥ state-of-the-art TV Programmes in English and Urdu.The TV programmes will feature internationally famous scholars and orators like Dr. Zakir Naik, Ahmed Deedat, Dr. Israr Ahmed, Maulana Parekh, Dr. Bilal Philips, Yassir Fazaga, Abdur Rahim Green and many others.
desrc:Kallis ALO-TV vaataja! 27. detsembril 1992 läks Tartust eetrisse ALO-TV esimene Kolmetunnine otsesaade, millest võtsid osa Tiina Joosu, Tarmo Jürisson, Tõnis Mets, Enn Räpp, Erkki Kõlu, Valdo Jahilo, Janek Luts, Ando Sinisalu, Lembitu Kuuse jpt. 15 aasta jooksul on tekstitelevisiooni ja Elmari raadiot edastanud saatjast saanud 24 tundi ööpäevas liikuvat pilti edastav telekanal!
desrc:A new fast fascinating streaming webcam installed by the municipality on the roof of the "Dimarchio" overlooking the bay of Parikia. It is almost TV!
desrc:MyNELE emite atat on-line cat si pe satelit; avem numai muzica romaneasca (peste 850 de videoclipuri!)....
name:Canal UNE
desrc:Un canal con contenidos de entretenimiento pero sobre todo entretenido. Así es el Canal UNE, ubicado en la grilla del sistema de televisión en el número 8. La mejor calidad técnica, el lenguaje fresco y dinámico y una moderna producción, son las herramientas que usamos para llegar más y mejor a nuestros televidentes. El negocio del entretenimiento, su historia y sus tendencias; la moda y farándula; la cultura en todas sus expresiones; el fútbol y los demás deportes; gastronomía, manualidades y tecnología, hacen parte de nuestros contenidos.
desrc:EuroNews est le premier service d’information télévisé multilingue en Europe. Lors de sa création, elle était la première expérience de chaîne d'information multilingue au monde.[1] Après les événements de la guerre du Golfe et le succès médiatique de CNN, EuroNews fut créée afin de proposer une perspective européenne sur l’actualité internationale. Il s’agissait aussi de renforcer les télévisions nationales de service public en Europe et de trouver un nouveau support participant à la construction d’une identité européenne.
desrc:AVRO (Algemene Vereniging Radio Omroep) is a Dutch public broadcasting association operating within the framework of the Nederlandse Publieke Omroep system.
desrc:Seit Oktober 2006 ist RTL SHOP vom neuen Standort Hannover aus mit seinem 24-Stunden-Programm auf Sendung. Für die RTL Group Tochter eine erfolgreiche Investition in die Zukunft. Rund 29 Millionen TV-Haushalte können nun die Vorteile des Teleshoppings mit RTL SHOP bundesweit über Satellit sowie über Kabel rund um die Uhr genießen. Auch bei frei empfangbaren TV-Anbietern wie RTL und VOX sind wir mit unserem vielseitigen Produktsortiment über Programmfenster präsent.
genre:Tele Shopping
name:LCI Express
desrc:Toute première chaîne d'information créée en France, elle fait partie du groupe TF1. Axée sur l'information généraliste, elle a été conçue pour s'adresser prioritairement aux téléspectateurs « CSP+ » (cible idéale des publicitaires), « des décideurs », cadres, professions libérales... Son axe éditorial comprend une sensible proportion d'éditions politiques, économiques, sur la vie des entreprises et l'international. Avec le lancement de ses concurrentes Euronews (1993), I>Télé (1999) puis BFM TV (2005), LCI a fait évoluer son contenu éditorial vers un public plus large sans toutefois abandonner son cœur de cible.
desrc:Euronews es un canal de televisión europeo dedicado a las noticias.Se puede recibir, vía satélite, en toda Europa y en el norte de África, y, por la televisión por cable, en buena parte del mundo (102 países), en especial en Norteamérica. Euronews también se emite a través de algunos canales nacionales a ciertas horas del día. A través de acuerdos de distribución este canal paneuropeo se puede ver en más de 120 países.Euronews fue escogida por la Unión Europea (UE) para tratar temas relativos a las instituciones de la misma - tiene que consagrar por lo menos una décima parte de su tiempo de emisión al respecto - y a Europa en general. En este sentido tiene una misión de servicio público europeo, y recibe una subvención anual de cinco millones de euros.
desrc:Euronews is a multilingual and pan-European television news channel launched on January 1, 1993. It covers world news from a European perspective,[1] in many languages.In the fourth quarter of 2005 Euronews was distributed to 193 million households in 121 countries worldwide. It reached more than 167 million European households by cable, satellite and terrestrial. This compared with 119 million European households for CNN International, 73 million for BBC World News and 69 million for CNBC Europe.[2][3]Euronews uses voice-over narration to accompany all news footage save for live coverage, and features a "No Comment" segment dedicated to reports which exclusively consist of visual content.
desrc:L'Entreprise nationale de télévision (ENTV) créé en 1994 Canal Algérie, une chaîne au début diffusée uniquement par satellite, comme un lien culturel avec la communauté algérienne résidant à l'étranger, et plus précisément en Europe. La chaîne cherche aussi à intéresser et à séduire le public étranger concerné par l'évolution de la situation en Algérie en particulier dans les domaines politiques et économiques.Depuis le début 2002, la chaîne est aussi diffusée en UHF pour la capitale, Alger, par l'émetteur de Bordj El-Bahri.
desrc:Créée en 1999, à l'initiative du cardinal Lustiger, puis exploitée, à compter de mars 2001, par des sociétés privées actionnaires, KTO est aujourd'hui une chaîne associative. Elle est reconnue par la Conférence des évêques de France. KTO a été fondée afin de donner à l’Église les moyens de véhiculer le message de l’Évangile par des médias actuels et tout particulièrement la télévision et Internet. La chaîne est complémentaire de l'émission du Jour du Seigneur sur le service public (un partenariat a été crée en 2007 entre le CFRT et KTO). KTO s’adresse non seulement aux catholiques, mais à tous les « chercheurs de sens », croyants ou non.KTO est diffusée 7 jours/7 ; 24h/24, sur le principe d'une multidiffusion des programmes à des tranches horaires différentes pendant une période de 14 jours. Il y a ainsi environ 4 heures de programmes inédits chaque jour. 60% des programmes diffusés sont des productions propres.
desrc:Check out this streaming Bar cam, with live audio, inside the Belushi's Bar at Market street in Scotland's Capital city, Edinburgh. Belushi's Edinburgh is one of Edinburgh's most popular bars and entertainment venues. Hosting live entertainment 7 nights a week. Enjoy your virtual beer or whisky in this well known Scottish Bar. Well worth a visit in the real world when your next visiting the city of Edinburgh in Scotland
desrc:Notre chaîne de télévision située à Pantin dans le 93 en France est une télévision s’adressant à toutes les communautés et valorisant tous les genres de programmes.
desrc:Nesses 33 anos de existência (a TV começou a funcionar em maio de 1975) a TV Brasil Central esteve presente na cobertura dos principais acontecimentos e das mais importantes festas culturais e religiosas do Estado. O Departamento de Telejornalismo da TV Brasil Central foi o primeiro a cobrir as festas do Divino Pai Eterno em Trindade, as Cavalhadas de Pirenópolis e a Procissão do Fogaréu, ponto alto da Semana Santa na Cidade de Goiás.
desrc:la première chaine française diffuse une partie de ses programmes en ligne. Vous pouvez regarder TF1 lors d'émissions comme :<br><br>Attention à la Marche (12h05)la Roue de la Fortune (19h05)les Journaux de 13h et de 20hEt tous les week end Reportages (13h25), 50 minutes Inside (18h45) et enfin Sept à Huit (18h50).En ce moment suivez la Star Academy.
desrc:Voici la version Champagne-Ardenne de France 3. Cette chaîne est connue pour ne pas toujours être en ligne, faites nous part de vos expérience d'accès ou pas à cette TV en postant des commentaires. Merci
desrc:Benvinguts al web corporatiu de Ràdio i Televisió d’Andorra. Amb el portal oficial de RTVA podràs accedir a tot allò que t’interessa sobre la nostra programació, navegar pels nostres continguts i consultar tota l’actualitat relacionada amb els nostres canals de televisió, ràdio i internet.